Part Twenty Three.

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Death is coming...

Death is near...

They should be running.

As death is clear...

Some vampires die...

Some vampires live...

Bones are crunching.

The Bvs' are munching.

Death is coming...

Death is near...

They should be running...

As death is clear...

Others are crying.

Vampires are dying,

Life is worth living,

His childhood is just the beginning.


Part 23:

Third Person POV.

Parents don't ever expect a knock at the door or a phone call at work to say their children have gone missing, it's a parent's worst nightmare and most importantly the one thing they dread hearing the most. However, they never thought it would be their front doors that police officers would be knocking at with the dreaded news.

It has been around four months since the second bunch of teenagers had gone missing without no trace, however this time the police and lifeguards did go out searching the waters in case the teenagers had gone overboard, however, there wasn't any sign of the boat or the teenagers. The emergency services didn't even think about the possibility the teenagers may have ended up on the island of disappearances, it didn't even cross anyone's minds and even if it did they knew they couldn't go out there as it was made clear that nobody goes out that far near that island. 

 The man from the boat store rented out a boat to another bunch of teenagers who ended up going missing from town after the boys resigned from his job, feeling responsible for their disappearances. It was then made by the council of the town that no more teenagers were allowed to rent out a boat or go on one without adult supervision due to the fact eight teenagers now have left and never returned. 

Regret and not being strict enough was something that ran through the minds of the parents of the four teenagers that not long ago left shore and never returned. They couldn't help but blame themselves for not being more alert when it came to what their children were doing or what they were planning. If only they had paid more attention to their children then maybe they wouldn't have disappeared just like the four boys two years ago.  

Although each parent blamed themselves for not doing more and now they had to wait to see if their child or children would return home, even though they knew the odds of them returning home or actually being alive wasn't looking good. If the four boys never returned home after two years, what were the chances of the others returning?  

The parents of the new missing teenagers met up with the parents of the boys who went missing two years ago apart from Calum's parents as they moved away,  they met up to be a support group for each other, who else could they talk to that actually understands what they're going through than each other? 

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