Part Fifteen

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 Yn's Point Of View

My eyes opened, adjusting to the darkness. Where was I? Was I dead? I thought to myself, stupid the last thought really if I was dead I wouldn't even be able to think or open my eyes. I turned to look around but I couldn't really see much, I think I could see stuff in one of the corners of the room. I think its a room though I couldn't be sure. Reaching into my pockets, I searched for my phone. I smiled when my hands landed on the phone, I pulled it out. I clicked the main button but it didn't light up, seriously the battery had run out.  I then remember I had Luke's in my pocket so I checked it that was out of battery too.

Sighing, I placed them both down on the floor I was sitting on. My throat was dry as dessert which needed rain. Where was Luke? I thought. I closed my eyes, to rest them only for a few seconds when I heard voices.

"Are you serious Luke, you brought her here" I heard Calum say, "Well what else was I supposed to do with her? Calum, tell me that. I couldn't leave her out there. She even fainted for heaven sakes" Luke said. "So, you know we all lay low here, Luke. You know that and you've brought her here when you know we will all be hungry" Calum said, I heard footsteps walking towards me. "Well, I couldn't let her be killed out there. " He said.

"You know what's funny?" He asked Luke, I felt a cold shiver go down my body when a cold hand touched my face. My heartbeat faster, from the touch. " What?" Luke asked. "That she fainted from what dehydration, yet you brought her here but the one thing she needs to survive you didn't think about getting for her" Calum said then removed his hand from my face.

"What are you on about Calum?" Luke asked by the tone of his voice, I knew he was getting annoyed with his friend. "Water, Luke. She'll die without it, I don't know why you don't just kill her but seeing as she's yours as you say. You need to get her water" Calum pointed out to him.

Third Person POV.

Luke muttered a quick "you're right" before leaving the little shack they were in going to get her some water. Calum looked back at the girl who was lying down on the floor with her eyes closed. He smirked to himself, he knew she was awake because the moment he touched her face her heart started beating really fast, not only that he saw her eyelids flicker a couple of times. "so what shall we do with you then Yn, Luke's gone. We're alone and I'm rather hungry" He said walking over to her, he kneeled. " You know your blood smells great too, really good. If only I could have a little taste Luke wouldn't need to know" Calum said leaning down to her neck, the closer he got the stronger the smell of her blood got, going up to his nose.

"You really are making me hungry yn, really hungry so why don't you stop pretending to be asleep because I know you're awake," Calum said, she kept her eyes closed though. " Unless you're dead from the dehydration then there is nothing stopping me from biting you and sucking your blood," He said, leaning closer to her. His fangs came out and he slowly and teasingly rubbed the tips of his fangs against her skin, he felt her body shiver. "Please don't" She whimpered quietly, he smirked when her eyes opened and met his.

"I'm not going to I was just teasing. I don't want to be killed by Luke just by marking you" He said and moved away from me. His eyes went back to normal, his fangs going back to his pearly white teeth. "Why would Luke kill you?" She asked quietly. " because you're his" Calum said to her. "Why does everyone keep saying that," She said going to stand up but stopped when Calum pushed his hands down onto her shoulders to lay her back down. " get your hands off me," She said pushing him away, not liking his touch. 

"Trust me, you don't want to get up right now, not after you fainted and Luke had to catch you." He said to her. She nodded her head, remembering how her legs stopped walking when she was following Luke to wherever he was taking her to keep her safe. This must be it, she thought to herself. " I just want to go back to my friends," She said quietly to herself. " A little bit of advice, love. Don't say that around Luke" Calum said lying down on his back but keeping himself up by leaning on his elbows. "Don't call me love, I don't like it"

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