Part Twelve

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 Yn's Point Of View.

Who did they think they were? Vampires yeah I know that but to talk about me like I'm some kind of object. 'she's mine' like excuse me,  I'm nobody's apart from my parent's daughter. I'm not a vampires property and I'm definitely not Luke's property either. "actually I don't belong to anyone thank you very much" I say looking at Luke before turning back to look at Ciara. I kneeled back down after Drake had moved from Luke's yelling. "Ciara open your eyes please," I say to her as her eyes were closed. She didn't respond to me though, her eyes remained shut.

"You heard that Luke she said she isn't anyone's"  Drake said to Luke amused. "I don't care what she says, she's still mine and if you touch her you will face consequences" Luke warned. Trying to ignore them talking and trying to focus on my best friend who wasn't responding." What you gonna do bite me? News flash Hemmings, I was bitten ages ago" I heard Drake say, snickering afterwards. "You do know the recent bitten ones are the deadliest right" I heard Luke say in a warning tone. 

Rolling my eyes, I placed my finger against Ciara's neck, the side that wasn't bitten of course to check for a pulse, it was there, very weak. I didn't hear anymore bickering between the vampires.

I really didn't know what to do apart from talking to her and trying to get her to open her eyes. I couldn't give her any water because I didn't have any myself. What was I supposed to do? We had no help and with vampires being on this island I could only think of one thing, she was going to die. I didn't want that at all, she was my best friend.

"Ciara! Please open your eyes. You need to open them alright" I say tapping her cheek softly trying to gain her attention and hoping her eyelids would flicker and open. Knowing what was going to happen I felt the tears fill my eyes, she was going to die. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't first aid trained or a paramedic. "Girl just face it she's dead, just let me finish her. Quick and easy"  Drake said.

I looked up to see him looking at me, then looked down at her and licked his lips like he was hungry, hungry for blood. "no, she's my friend. I won't let you just kill her off! She's alive!" I say yelling at him. "No, she's going to die sooner or later. There is nothing you can do sweetie. She has lost a lot of blood already. " He said like he was trying to make me see sense.

I looked back to my best friend to see that her body was now lying down on the sand. The golden sand was now red from the blood that had fallen changing the colour of it. " He's right, she is well and truly dead" I heard Luke say from behind me. "But she's my friend. I- I, can't just leave her here.. to die. to be killed... for the blood to be drained out of her by some horrible bloodsucker, what kind of friend does that make me?  I can't leave her here. I can't let her go. She is  young, she had so much to learn and yet what happened, she had to go and get bitten by you!" I say glaring at the Drake with so much hatred as well as tears in my eyes.

" I have to survive," He said. "You have to survive? You're already fucking dead!" I yell the tears beginning to roll down my face as I looked back at Ciara, leaning down to check her pulse and there wasn't one. She was gone, my best friend was dead. How could I tell Josh that his little sister was dead and I couldn't do anything as she already had lost too much blood?

The tears rolled down my face as I looked at her cold body lying there on the sand. This wasn't the plan, this wasn't what was supposed to happen, we weren't supposed to end up on this island. Yet here we were, my best friend was dead and I didn't know if the boys were alive and yet I found myself with two bloodsuckers, one who was to blame for her death and the other who was trying to say  I was 'his'.

"Yn, we need to go" I hear Luke say, I shook my head. "No! I can't leave her!" I say leaning down to pick up her body so I could hold her close to myself but was stopped as I was grabbed and pulled up to my feet.

"Trust me, you don't want to see what is going to happen," Luke said as I was being pulled backwards, I tried dragging my feet while struggling in his arms. "Luke let me go! Luke! No, I don't want to, she's my friend" I yell while crying, I had the idea to pinch my nails into his arm, thinking it would hurt him but it didn't. I needed to get back to Ciara to protect her from Drake but as Luke kept walking and pulling me with him, her body got further and further away.I just knew that the Drake was probably taking away the last of the blood left in her body. I felt sick at the thought.

"I'm sorry Ciara," I said quietly to myself as I closed my eyes hoping it would be a dream, a dream that I would wake up from and Ciara would be alive but as I opened my eyes I remembered what I saw and I knew it was reality. I was now being pulled away by a damn vampire and I wasn't even kicking or screaming at him to let me go.

What was the point of living without my best friend or the boys who could be dead too?

I knew Luke was going to kill me, why couldn't he just do it already instead of making me wait? 

What was I going to say to Josh, if I did survive? How could I tell him his younger sister was dead?

IOD || LRHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora