Part Twenty Two.

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Recap of the end of 21:

"Yn, you can't just drop a bombshell like that then walk fucking off!" Luke yelled following after her. Josh and Calum looked at each other, shrugged then followed after the pair.  "Well, this is going to be interesting," Josh said to Calum as he walked next to him. "Oh, I think their whole relationship is going to be fucking interesting, mate," Calum said a grin forming at his lips. " very interesting indeed"

Part Twenty-Two

 All three of the vampires as well as the newly bitten vampire Josh headed back to the shack to join Michael and Ashton. As they walked Josh couldn't believe his eyes- there in front of him was scenery so different to what he once saw when he was human; all his senses were more alive, he was more alert to the sounds, the different smells drifting through the air. He felt like every one of his senses had doubled. Josh felt alive more now than he did when he was actually human and relying on air, oxygen to keep him alive, he was no longer human and now a vampire who was blood craved maniac who was intoxicated by the red substance. 

Josh forgot every little worry he once had when he was human, forgot everything about his human life. He awakened as a vampire with the same name Josh and everything beforehand was gone like a memory wipe was done on his brain. Josh was changed by Calum which of course made him lose his thoughts, memories and knowledge of ever being human, the same thing happened to the boys apart from Luke who kept his thoughts and feelings and being able to express them. 

Luke kept some of his human traits, he was able to feel and express emotions as he was changed by the master and didn't lose those traits but instead gained more strength, power from the bite he received from Kai. Luke's friends weren't lucky enough to be able to physically feel anything. They could show expression of happiness for example but they would never be able to be happy unlike Luke and possibly YN.

It was the same for Trey, Connor, Dan and Drake they couldn't feel or express true emotions they could show it through their actions but they would never be able to feel anything. All disappeared when they were turned into vampires.

On the topic of vampires not being able to feel or express any emotions- the boys and the master's followers weren't the only vampires that couldn't do that the bvs' couldn't either. They couldn't show or express emotions or expressions. The bvs' didn't look human not really nor did they look like a 'typical' vampire- they were weird looking vampires you could say however they didn't crave blood they craved and ate bones and flesh. The bvs' were the vampires that got rid of the dead human bodies that were drained of blood.

The vampires- YN, Luke, Calum and Josh made it back to the shack eventually after Josh stopped slowing them down as he was too busy looking at the scenery that he could now see from becoming a vampire. Josh followed the others into the little wooden shack only to be stared at by Michael and Ashton.

"He's not human anymore he's one of us," Yn said alerting the two vampires who were now focused on her and not Josh. " He's one of us now, what? how? who even changed him?" Ashton asked rapidly wanting answers to his questions.  "Calum changed him boys so now he is one of us and no longer food. That means I hope you will treat him how you treated yn" Luke said sitting down on the sand resting his head against the shack. 

"We all treated yn nicely it was you that didn't, you went all crazy and bit her, " Calum said looking at the blonde-haired vampire. " Yea, but I created a hot vampire so it's all good," Luke said smiling with his eyes remaining shut. " That hot the master seems to want her as well," Josh said, everyone watched Luke because as soon as the word master escaped Josh's lips, Luke's eyes were wide open and red. "Yeah well, he isn't going to get her"  Luke spat looking at Josh then the boys. "He could die and go to hell," Yn said looking at the boys. 

"You really want Kai dead don't you?" Josh asked. "Who doesn't want him dead, he's horrible. If he dies then the whole island will be better off" Calum answered Josh even though the question wasn't aimed at him. "He isn't going to die though he's the head of the vampires here, the other vampires will stand in the way, Luke, " Michael said talking for the first time.

"He does need to die though, he's not going to stop till he gets me. You heard what he said, Luke, he wants you dead. He wants you dead and the only solution is to kill him" Yn said. " I'm up for killing him he's horrible" Calum announced both Ashton and Michael nodded their head in agreement with Calum's words.  "You're actually going to kill him?" Josh asked.

 "Yes Josh, he wants Yn, he wants Luke dead if he succeeds there's no telling what he will do to us. He hasn't done anything to us because we're stronger with Luke if Kai kills Luke we're not strong enough to take Kai down alone. We need to kill Kai  before he tries to kill Luke" Calum said looking at Josh. Josh nodded his head. "and how are we going to do that exactly?" Josh asked looking at every vampire individually.

"We don't know yet Josh but as soon as we do we're going ahead and taking Kai out," Yn said sitting down next to Luke who only pulled her closer to his body.  " I think we need to remember one thing," Michael said. "What's that Michael?" Luke asked. 

"What are we going to do about the bvs'?" Michael asked. All the vampires looked at each other before Josh asked another question, " What the hell are the bvs'?"

"Bvs' are vampires but different to us as we crave blood they don't, they crave bones and they eat flesh. The bvs' get rid of the dead human bodies once we drain them of their blood.  The bvs' you could say protect the vampires they destroy all evidence of the dead bodies so nobody could ever find out that there was ever dead bodies on the island" Ashton said. 

"And we need to worry about them because?"

"Because Josh they also protect the master and to get to the master not only do we have to get past his followers but also the bone eaters,"  Calum said informing the new vampire.  Both Yn and Luke's eyes were closed, leaning against each other as the boys began informing Josh about the information he needed to know regarding the master, his followers and the bone eaters. 

While the vampires in the shack were trying to come up with ways to get passed the bvs'  and kill Kai- Kai and his followers were also coming up with ways to get yn and to kill Luke once and for all as Kai had decided he wants him dead. Kai no longer needed Luke to feed off he could feed off and kill one of his followers if he needed to so he didn't care about killing the blonde-haired vampire that he once fed from.


Death is coming...

Death is near...

They should be running.

As death is clear...

Some vampires die...

Some vampires live...

Bones are crunching.

 The Bvs' are munching.

Death is coming...

Death is near...

They should be running...

As death is clear...

Others are crying.

Vampires are dying,

Life is worth living,

 His childhood is just the beginning. 


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