Part Nine

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 Josh's Point Of View

I kept walking, my shoes going through the sand. That is all that is here sand and more damn sand, there is only so much I can take of seeing this sand before it becomes a nightmare. This is a nightmare being stuck on this island. Finding out that this island was IOD has scared us all if I'm honest and possibly making us all act differently.

For example, Sonny blaming me for being in this situation, saying it was my fault because I suggested getting a boat, never in a million years did I think we would end up here if I thought we would I would never have suggested getting a boat. I was only trying to do a nice thing for my sister, trying to have fun with my friends as well instead of sitting around the house like we always did.

I wanted to mix it up and what happened, we ended up here, on the island that once people end up on they disappear and never are seen again. I knew Sonny was scared, upset right now but blaming me wasn't going to change anything, it wasn't going to make the situation better. It would make it worse like it has, hence the reason we have gone in different directions, we will probably end up seeing each other again this island couldn't be that big, right? Well, it didn't look that big anyway.

"Josh!" I heard my name being called. Stopping walking, I turned slowly to see yn walking towards me."Yn why did you follow me?" I ask, not knowing why she would follow me. "Why wouldn't I follow you, Josh? You're my friend, I wanted to make sure you were alright and besides being alone on this island isn't the best of ideas" she said to me, I nodded my head and smiled a little.

"True thanks for coming after me," I say, she smiled."What are friends are for eh," she said nudging into me. I hugged her, she hugged back as I was looking over her shoulder I saw someone standing in the distance.

I blinked my eyes thinking I was seeing things. Opening them back up, if there was a figure it was gone. "You alright Josh? " Yn asked me, probably because I was silent and not saying a word to her while I hugged her. Was I seeing things?

"Not really I just thought I saw a figure standing over there," I say pulling away from the hug and pointing to where I saw well thought I saw a figure. I watched from the corner of my eye as yn looked at where I had pointed. "There isn't anyone there Josh," she said looking at me. Turning to look at her properly, I nodded my head and said. " I know that but I'm pretty sure I saw a figure there," I say.

"Maybe it was Sonny or Ciara" she suggested. "They wouldn't have just stood there, though, would they? They would have come to us" I say. "Yeah but if Sonny is still in his blaming mood, not likely. You know how Sonny can get." She says. "I guess, I just don't like the fact that we have split up on this island just over a disagreement. " I say honestly.

"I agree, maybe we should try and find the other two it shouldn't be that hard should it. It's a small island after all" Yn said and with that said we started walking back to where I and Sonny ended up walking in different directions to try and find them.

Ciara's Point Of View

"Sonny lets go back and find them," I said trying to get him to stop walking, walking further around the island. We were only going to end up back where we started and seeing the sign again, not one of us needed reminding about it.

"No, this is your brother's fault we're here. I'm going to find someone to help us and get us out of here" he said continuing to walk. I rolled my eyes, did he not understand that we weren't going to get off this island?

"Sonny nobody is going to be here," I say. "Yes there is, am I the only one who has hope here? Am I the only one that wants to see my family again!" He snapped turning to look at me. "No, of course not. I want to see my family again" I say, shocked by him even thinking that I wouldn't want to see my family.

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