12 - Bigseu sonsaeng-nims

190 14 0

Bonus update for today to make it up on you. Don't forget to vote, thanks. (Sonsaeng is teacher in korean)

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N: Okay class, I want you to become a very responsible leaders someday.

Class: *nods*

N: Very good. Now class dismiss, no taking selcas understand?

Class: How about you sir?

N: None of your business!

Class: Hahahahaha!

N: Stop laughing or else I'll all send you to detention.

Class: *quiets*

Leo: Just answer your papers correctly and honestly. And no one tries to talk while taking the exam, get it?

Class: Yes sir.

Leo: Very good. Now start answering.

You: *actually, he doesn't allow us to speak in his class except for answering his questions*

Leo: Y/N, why are you not answering?

You: Sorry sir. *starts to answer*

Ravi: Class, I won't discuss today and I'll let you sleep in my time.

Class: *starts to party*

Ravi: Hey students, calm down.

Class: *party party*


Class: *goes back to normal*

Ravi: Just because of what you've done, I'll give you a quiz of what we've discussed yesterday.

Class: TT.TT

*Ken as a music teacher*

Ken: This is all for today students. Get ready for your recital tomorrow, okay?

Class: Yes sir.

Ken: Make sure you get your voice ready.

Class: *fixing their things*

Ken: Understand students?

Class: Yes sir.

*Hongbin enters the classroom*

Me: He always looks fresh while all of us look haggard.

Hongbin: Okay, all of you did great in your arts.

Class: *feeling proud of themselves*

Hongbin: I won't start the class if all of you look like that. Five minutes for makeover. Go!

Class: *panicked*

Hyuk: Start answering your exams now. Remember, no cheating and no cheating. Also, no cheating, understand?

Class: Yes sir.

Me: *in a soft voice* Hey, you. Did you review your notes?

You: Who the f is you?!

Hyuk: Yah Y/N, who are you talking to?

You: What? She just disappeared!!!

Hyuk: You know, just start answering or else I'll throw you out of this room.

You -__-

Me: Sorry (^_^)v

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Ft. you and ME. Again short update. Will you read if I made a VIXX fanfiction? Comment please. Btw, thank you for reading~ 

vixx randomness Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang