26 - Imagine 3.0 (Part 1)

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Your son was busy playing his toys on your living room while you are watching his face being happy like that.

Yes, he almost inherit all his father's traits. Gladly not all. Because it will only make you remember all the pains and foolishness his father has done to you.

You immediately wipe your tears away from your face. Memories are going back again everytime you look at your son. The happy ones, those times you both wish to last forever. Those past times that you were still together, planning for your happy future.

"Umma, are you crying?" Your son asked you with his worrying eyes. You looked at him...

"Aniyo baby. Umma is not crying. Just continue playing, okay?" You said. You lied because you don't want that three-year old boy get worried for you.

"I don't wanna play now umma. I want to watch TV." Your son said and he starts to place his toys in its container. So you opened your television and on timing, it is VIXX while at live performance.

So you immediately change the channel but your son gets the remote from you.

"Don't you want to watch cartoons baby?" You asked your son and he smiled.

"Aniyo. I want to watch VIXX umma." Your son told you and he pouts. "I want to watch Ravi hyung and his raps."

"R-Ravi? Why him baby?" You asked your son and he change the channel back (VIXX).

"Because he is funny umma. His laugh is a music to me. He is great at rapping and at dancing. I admire him so much. I wish that he is my father." Your son pouts when he says those words. You feel like tears want to escape from your eyes again.

It feels like there's something that stops your heart from beating. Hearing those word from your son hurts you so much. How can he admire that guy who doesn't even accept him as his son? How can those words escaped on a three-year old boy's mouth?

You shooked your head mentally. "I'll get you something to eat baby. Stay there, alright?" You said and stands up to go to the kitchen but...

"My friends outside told me that I look like Ravi hyung umma. Is it true?" Your son asked that makes you freeze. Of course, because Ravi is your son's father. No one can't deny it because from the looks, we can now say that he is his father.

"W-w-what d-do you want t-to eat baby?" You asked our son to change the topic. Glady he is to young to ask again.

"Anything that you made umma. All food you cook is delicious for me!" Your son happily stated and smiles. You can't deny it, he looks like Wonshik so much.

"Aww, thank you baby. Wait for umma here." You said and goes to the kitchen.

You immediately goes back to the living room where your son is watching TV. You decided to made him some sandwich and juice since it is just 9:00 in the morning.

"Umma, VIXX just won! I'm so proud of Ravi hyung." Your son happily shouted. You just smiled at yourself. Can he still admire that guy if he knows what he have done?


"Wonshik, I have something to tell you." You nervously stated while your hands are on your tummy.

"What is it, honey?" Ravi asked you.

"W-Wonshik, I-I-I am pr-preg-nant. Just for t-two weeks." You was managed to said. Ravi's happy aura changed to maybe an angry one.

"You must be kidding me Y/N. You're just kidding right?" He asked you. You looked at his eyes that are filled with disappointment.

"No Wonshik." You said and handed him the pregnancy test. There are two red lines that is indicating that you are pregnant.

"F*ck. No Y/N no no. Tell me it's not true!" He shouted at you that makes you move back. (You and Ravi was outside his house ㅋㅋ)

"No one's gonna know this sh*t Y/N. That child is not mine. Abort it if possible." He said and you cried. You can't take it anymore. You was so hurt inside. You expected a happy feedback from him but no.

You wiped your flowing tears away. "How dare you said those words Wonshik? You don't really deserve MY child." You let out fake laughs. "I won't let you touch him nor see even his shadows. You d*mn piece of sh*t."

After you said that, you decided to runaway crying. Gladly you have your house that is always open for you anytime. You still have a place and a family to get your strength from.

'He is just another man in this world. I don't need his fckng love nor his presence. We can get through this together baby. Umma can fight the world for you without your useless father.'

You stated in your mind while seeing the check-up results after 7 months. It's a boy. You heard Wonshik debuted two months ago.

'He picked career over you baby. He truly don't deserve you.'

*End of flashback*

"Umma!" You just get into reality when your son shouted at you.

"Why are you crying?" He asked and wiped your tears away. He hugged you tight...

"I feel sad when you're crying umma. Please don't cry for me." He said and you wiped away your fckng tears.

'Why am I crying over you again Wonshik? You are not worthy for me to cry for.' You mentally stated.

You released from your son's hug and hold his chin up (what a great explanation?!) so he can see you. "Sure baby, don't worry for your umma. I am really fine."

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I am back guyseu! There will be a part two of this Ravi imagine. I am giving thanks for the persons who are still holding on and reading this book.

Kamsahamnida, thank you. You really give me strength and determination to write and be the best author you can ever have ㅠ ㅠ

This is getting long. So see you again on the next chapters.  VIXX loves us. Vote & comment.

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