32 - Dorm is on fire (?!)

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So what can you say about the meme? It's not mine so ctto.

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Reporter: So what will you do now Mister Cha?

N: I will just stand here and watch the fire to disappear. OF COURSE I WILL CALL THE FIRE FIGHTERS, DUH!!! *immediately calls the fire fighters*

Leo: We're so sorry everyone for N hyung's attitude. Jeosonghamnida *bows* *bows*

Reporter: It's alright blah blah blah--- *talks to the camera* (but not literally hahaha)

On the other hand

N: *scolds* *scolds*

Ken: We're so sorry for this hyung.

Hyuk: Yeah, it won't happen again promise.


Hongbin: Guys we're on TV.

N: Ooops...

Leo: We're so sorry again for his attitude.

TV Host: So kindly please tell us what happened last night VIXX...

N: So last night...


Hyuk: Come on Ken hyung let's cook something for umma for dinner.

Ken: Great idea! After all that black guy's hard works for us then it's our time to pay him back.

Hyuk: But I thought we'll going to cook and I don't even have money.

Ken: Aigoo, that's not what I mean.

Hyuk: Oh, mianhe hehe.

Ravi: Can I join?

Ken: No!

Hyuk: Never!

Ravi: Look at these two author jagi, they're bullying me.

Me: Don't worry Ravi jagi. We'll have revenge.

Ravi: Do you hear that huh?!

Ken: Ken you please go away author.

Me: Okay! : ]

Ken: Anyway... Let's go cooking Hyuk.

Hyuk: Yay!!!

Ravi: *cries*

*Ken and Hyuk go to the kitchen*

Meanwhile in the living room...

Hongbin: Hi hyungs! Where are Hyuk and Ken hyung?

N: I'm busy thinking for dinner kid.

Leo: But I'll be the one to cook.

N: And I'll be the one to think what you're going to cook.

Leo: Fine. -__-

Hongbin: Why are you crying Ravi hyung?

Ravi: NOTHING!!! *goes to his room*

Hongbin: What is his problem?

N: I don't know. Maybe author and him had a fight?

Hongbin: Oh.

Leo: Do you smell that?

N: Smoke. Wait what?!

Hyuk and Ken: HELP!!!

*flashback ends*

N: So that's it. And we're shocked when the fire blows throughout our dorm.

TV Host: So who is the one who saved you guys?



N: Hyuk, go down the table and finish your meals.


So all the way, this chapter was just Hyuk's daydreaming. VIXX's dorm is not really on fire nor got on fire. It was just Hyuk's fantasies.

Hey Starlights!!! How's your day? Anyway, I hope you like this ud. I'll update again soon as I can. VIXX and I loves all of you! 

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