30 - 3 Wishes (Part 2)

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Who won't be amaze of Lee Jaehwan's drawing skills? It's DAEBAK!!!

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Few days later, the six boys gathered up for a talk. They are in their living room and everyone looks so serious. All of them know now that the same fairy visited them. Leo, Ken and Hyuk had used their 3 wishes in the right way. But the other three failed...

*cricket sounds*

Ken: Ehem, ehem. Alright everyone, let's start this meeting!

Leo: So guys, tell me what happened. Hongbin, Ravi and... 


Hongbin: I will be the one to start. I've wished for my face to look more beautiful... And-and the fairy made me a g-girl!!! *cries*

Ken: Oh, stop crying now Beannie. We'll make a solution for that and we'll bring you back to normal.

Hongbin: Can you?!

Ken: Something can...

Leo: How about you Ravi?

Ravi: I wished that I'll have less time for sleep. Then she gave me big eyes that can't blink! I've tried to wish to my normal eyes again but she even gave me bigger!!!!!

Ken: Creepy and eww. But don't worry Ravi, we'll do something for that. 

Leo: How about you... N? Can anyone see N?

Hyuk: I can't see N hyung too. N hyung?

N: I'm beside you Hyuk.

Hyuk: But I can't see you hyung! Ravi hyung, can you use your big eyes to find n hyung?


Leo: Stop kids. We need to find N.

N: I'm transparent Leo. You can't see me.

Ken: Tf?!-- Ouch!

N: Don't curse kid, I'm just here.

Ken: Mianhe. Anyway, Leo hyung our cases for today are a fake girl, a big-eyed man and a transparent one.  

Leo: What happened N hyung?

N: I wished for a fair or white skin as possible. At first she gave me fair skin and second a white one. But I want more, and this is the effect.

Hyuk: Oww... Poor hyung.

Leo: It's okay Hyuk because Ken and I have a plan. Now fall in line here you three.

*N, Hongbin and Ravi falls in line*

Ken: Just make a wish in your head and your wish will be granted.

Hyuk: How can that be?!

Ken: Shut up Hyuk it's none of your business. Okay you guys can now make your wishes.

*After 243535675768 years of wishing*

N: Wow! Thank You I'm back to normal.

Hongbin: I love myself! Kamsahamnida.

Ravi: Thank you for bringing me back to normal. Now guys can I sleep?

Ken: Okay guys it's nothing for me. I have something to do now, bye!

Leo: Me too I have to cook for lunch.

From that time, the six guys learned to love and be thankful to themselves. They learned that one should be thankful on what they are and don't ask for more. From that time, the six guys live normally and happily ever after.

I hope you learned from this story too.

I hope you learned from this story too

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Do you guys know whose wish the three guys used? It's from...



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