38 - Haunted light (?!)

121 16 1

Everybody has logged on

TallDarkAndHandsome has accepted Rovix's request

Rovix has logged on

CutieKeken: Rovix? What are you doing here?!!

TallDarkAndHandsome: Lower down your voice kid.

CutieKeken: You can't even hear me.

CutieKeken: Whatever.

IgotSwag: Guys I'm scared!

TallDarkAndHandsome: Why Ravi?

CutieKeken: Wae?

IgotSwag: There is this light last night that followed me.

Coffeebean: Maybe you're just dreaming hyung.

IgotSwag: No I'm not and I'm freaking serious!

CutieKeken: Aww don't worry I'll go to your room.

IgotSwag: Yay thanks Ken.

HyukkieBombom: Hyungs!!!!!!

TallDarkAndHandsome: What's the problem Hyuk?

CoffeeBean: Why Hyuk?

CutieKeken: What?

HyukkieBombom: I have also seen the light Ravi hyung is talking about! ( /.\ )

IgotSwag: Really Hyuk?!

HyukkieBombom: Yes!!!!!

TallDarkAndHandsome: Okay boys we really need to visit an optimologist.

IgotSwag: Visit an optimologist on your own.

HyukieBombom: I am scared what was that?!

CutieKeken: Ravi can you please open your door I'm knocking for like 1000000 times.

IgotSwag: Ooops sorry Ken.

CoffeeBean: So what are we going to do now?

HyukkieBombom: Guuuuys!!!! The light!

TallDarkAndHandsome: What what what???

CutiKeken: It's so nice to be a part of my life Hyuk. I love you as my brother.

TallDarkAndHandsome: Stop it Ken!

CoffeeBean: I'm saving you Hyuk!

CoffeeBean has logged out

Jung Taekwoon: Breakfast is ready kids.

Jung Taekwoon has logged out

CutieKeken: I was having this instinct that Leo was just pranking you two.

TallDarkAndHandsome: Shut up Ken. Leo was preparing our breakfast.

IgotSwag: Yeah right.

HyukkieBombom: I have to eat bye.

HyukkieBombom has logged out

IgotSwag: I have to eat too but I'm still scared.

IgotSwag has logged out

TallDarkAndHandsome: Ken, let's eat our breakfast too.

TallDarkAndHandsome has logged out

CutieKeken: Fine.

CutieKeken has logged out

Rovix: Why are these boys ignoring me. Like I just want to talk to you?! Am I scary?

Rovix has left the chatroom

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I am back!!! Sorry for the laaaaaaaate update because of school. I really miss you guys. And I'm so shocked for this book has reached 1.2K reads. Really guys??? But thank you so much anyways.

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