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Hey guys! Let me be the first to say that I myself hate when someone has and "A/N" as a chapter, but I felt this was the best way to contact all my readers.
So I would like to apologize. I know it has been a while since my last update. School has been crazy. I literally have 2 essays 3 group projects and 3 online quizzes due this week. Plus my work schedule has been a little crazy and I have been finding myself surviving on about 5 hrs of sleep a day. I know I should not be making excuses and I am sure I have angered many of you and possibly lost a lot of you guys. And I apologize. I was hoping to have an update by today but that fell through the cracks unfortunately. I have written about half of the next installment and should be able to update it soon. So just hang in their for a couple more days. At least until all these assignments are off my plate.
Thank you for your time and I'm sorry for the delay.

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