Someone sneeks in...

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Garroth's POV
After asking Cadenza, i went back to my brothers... They gave me a suspicious look...seems that they're thinking of something about me... I hope they dont know about my like for Cadenza...
V. -Vylad Z. -Zane G.-Garroth
V. Garroth... Are u up to something?
Z. Heh, i dont know how love works but i think you like Cadenza...
G. What?! NO! I... I mean yeah, sort of....

Nooooooo!!! They know about it!!!!

Z. From the look of your face, it seems that you reeeaaaaalllly like Cadenza...
G. Yeah....
V. Asked her out?
Z. I bet Garroth isn't even brave enough to ask her....
G. What?! Zane!
Z. Hmph... Go ask her then..
G. I already did...
-Convo Ends-

Next Day....

Cadenza's POV
Garroth asked me out to the park yesterday.... Could this mean something? Well he did blush a lot... So did I.... I mean I do like him, not as a friend, but like like him.... "Cadenza u okay?" Laurance asked "yEah! Perfectly fine..." I answered "u sure? You seem nervous..." Laurance said "Ugh... I'll tell u..." I replied "you see... I have a huge crush on Garroth, i was just too shy to tell someone.... And then at the park... He asked me out...." I added... Laurance had nothing to say... He seems shocked thou... Garroth IS his best friend but did Garroth tell him stuff about me? "Its an hour before we meet... I have to get ready..." I said. Laurance nodded his head up and down... He still seems shocked...
-Time Skip-
Garroths POV
Here at the park... Waiting for Cadenza.... Garroth, u can do this...
I saw a familiar person at the park bench by the fountain, it was a pink haired girl... She seems familiar, really... IVY... Why is Ivy here? Does she know that I'm meeting Cadenza? I hope she doesnt....

Ivys POV
Hahaha... Cadenza is still far away... I hope this potion Michi gave me works...
I went to the public bathroom and tried it... It turned me into Cadenza in a beautiful mint green dress... Now, time to get some action going on...
I walked to Garroth, he didnt even suspect a thing...
G. Garroth Ic. Ivy as Cadenza

G. Hey Cadenza!
Ic. Hey garroth!
G. You look so stunning today...
Ic. Well of course i do... Especially when bonding with a hottie like you...
G. Aww... Why dont we sit on this bench...

Garroth and I sat on a bench... He still seems innocent...

Ic. Sooo Garroth... Can i tell u somethin?
G. Sure. Me too...
Ic. I like you...
G. *blushes* Me too...

Nar's POV
Cadenza came to the park and was looking for Garroth... On the other hand... Garroth and fake Cadenza were about to kiss... The potion wore off and at the same time... Cadenza saw Garroth and Ivy together...

C. G....G...Garroth?
G. Cadenza? Ivy?
C. *runs away crying*
G. Cadenza wait! *runs after Cadenza*
I. Garroth wait!!!

Garroth ignored Ivy and continued running after Cadenza...

Cadenza's POV
No...G..Garroth... I...Ivy... Why?!
I continued crying and crying untill i sat by the lake... I heard Garroths voice and ignored it...

Garroths POV
Cadenza! Cadenza!
Damn i lost her.... Ugh IVY WILL PAY
I heard sobbing near the lake then i saw a girl with fire hair... Cadenza! I ran into her, with Cadenza still crying... "C...Cadenza... Its not what it looks like..." "Yes... Its not what it looks like... Because it looks like your making out with Ivy... Why didnt you tell me that you had a relationship with someone before inviting me to---" Cadenza paused. I kissed Cadenza, unexpectedly.... She blushed... "Cadenza, i was fooled... Ivy used a potion she took from Michi and turned her exactly like you... Then you came and it wore off... I wasnt making out with her.... Because your the only one that belongs to my heart...." I said.

Cadenzas POV
I didnt know about this... I was completely innocent... What do i tell him?
".....Because your the only one that belongs to my heart..." Garroth said "I...Im so sorry Garroth... I...didnt know what happened before i came... I was innocent... Then it led me to becoming jealous about what i saw.." I replied "you dont have to be sorry Cad... I understand... It was my fault...." Garroth said. He held my hand and i blushed... "Will you...

Heeeeey! Its da Author here! XD. Sorry i paused at the part... TeeHee!

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