Something She Cant Accept...

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Hey Guys! This part wont be about GarDenza... If you were looking forward to it, I promise to Publish a new part that is about it.
This part takes place 4 days after Graduation.... Btw. Story is just going to be short...
Anyways. Lez read da story!

Laurance's POV
Its been days since Graduation, still can't believe my sister got eleven medals in total... Plus, the badges, certificates, and Merits that she has... Hmph. I got six medals anyway....
It was morning when i got up and played computer games. Yes, its early, but ATLEAST I'm off to a good start... Sigh Dad went back to the other country to work.... I was hearing Cadenza from the other room. Shes talking to someone but I'm not an eavesdropping person. She just sounds out of the mood when talking... I came to her room to check. "Knocks on the door Cadenza? May I come in?" "Oh. Uh. Sure Laurance. Opens door. What made you come here?" She replied "Oh. I just came to check how you were feeling... You sounded off-the-mood when i heard you from my room" I answered while getting a seat. "Hm? Oh, yeah... I- I dont wanna talk about it now... Anyways, do you have something else that you came her for?" She said with her voice off mood. It really seems like shes having a problem. Like what she said, she doesnt wanna talk about it. On the other hand..." Oh yeah! We havent ate breakfast yet... Do you wanna go to Olive Garden to get some food? Ooor Do you wanna cook with me?" I replied to her question. "Hmmmm. Sure. I'll just get ready. Then we'll head there... Mkay?" She said. I nodded my head up and down, leaving her room.....
We hedded to Olive Garden to get some food.....

Cadenza's POV
Laurance and I were too lazy to cook. Instead, we went to Olive Garden to get some food. We ordered some Breadsticks and Garlic Bread. I also ordered some Soup for Garroth, since he's sick today... Actually, that was the reason why i sounded Off-The-Mood a while ago. His mother, Zianna, said that he kept on vomiting since 5 o'clock in the morning. I was worried he might have some major sickness.... I cant lose him ya know....
Anyways, we ordered and paid for the food and now, we're walking home...

Laurance POV
We're walking home already from Olive Garden with Cadenza. I saw Isabell sit on a park bench, looking depressed... I went home to put the food on the table then I went to Isabell at the park....
I'm here at the park. She's.... Crying? I ran up to her and comforted her....
L- Isabell! W-Whats wrong?
I- *sobs and sniffs* L-Laurance.... *she hugs me tight*
L- Isabell, I'm here, whats wrong?
I- M-M-My Mother.... P-Passed away.... *cries harder*
L- I.... I'm sorry Isabell...
I- It's O-Okay Laurance... Atleast your here by my side...
L- hugs Isabell Isabell... I'll never leave you be....
I- Laurance... W-Would you mind me move to your house?
L- Move? If you need a place to stay in.... Then your welcome to my house. I'm sure Cadenza wont mind...
    I'll help you pack your stuff when your moving already...
I- Thanks Laurance... Having someone to be with is a pleasure...
   Now.... I'm going back home.... Probably to move on over the death of my mother....
L- Okay Isabell. Need company to walk with?
I- No thanks.... I can walk home by my own... Bye Laurance!
L- Bye Isabell....

Sigh. I'm really sorry for Isabell... Well. Atleast shes moving to the Zvahl house soon.
I went back home. Wonder where Cadenza is.... Oh, forgot.... She's in the Ro'Meave House to visit Garroth.... Meh. Ill just eat my Olive Garden.... Nom nom nom nom nom....

Authors Note
Heeeeyo! Sorry if it was boring.... LauraBell For Laife!!! Peace Out!

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