A Missed Call...

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~Two Weeks Later~

Laurances POV
I-I cant accept it. D-Dad... H-He passed just because of a plane crash. Its been 3 days since me and Cadenza knew about it. I've moved on, only 3/4 thou. Wait, Cadenza. She hasn't went out of her room since the incident happened. She only went out to take a shower. Cadenza stayed in her room all the time. I suddenly hear her sobbing from the other side. I walk to her room "Cadenza? May I come in?" I ask. "S-Sure..." Cadenza replies. I step in the room and gently closing the door. I walk to her bed and sit down. "L-Laurance. What do we do now?" She asks. "I-I dont know..." I answer. Cadenza comes closer to me and gives me a gentle hug. I went closer and hugs her back. Suddenly, she releases. "Cadenza, i know its hard to accept it. But there's nothing we can do now.... W-We need to accept what the future is." Says me. She raises her head, giving eye contact with me. She brings her head back down "I-I guess your right Laurance... The future isn't something we can judge on. Its just something we need to accept. Its just that Hayden was always there for us. He didnt, he never let us go. He blocked us from being bullied. He treated us L-like we were his real---" Cadenza pauses. I put my finger on her lip, pausing her down "Cad. We are his children. We've always been. Yes, i know we're just adopted, but that wont stop us from being his children. We are who we are. We are family." I give advice. "Laurance. I'm glad i have a brother like you. Thanks for comforting me. Your really a great brother. You're right. We just have to move on." Cadenza answers, giving me another hug. I brush her hair with my fingers gently while she's hugging me. Cadenza releases and sits back up. "Cadenza, if you need something. I'm just with Isabell. Cya..." I say, while going out of her room.

Ro'Meave House
Garroths POV

I havent had a chance to talk to Cadenza for almost 3 days... I tried to call her but she doesn't answer. I've tried about 14 times already, but she never answered. I tried to go to her house, but no one answers the door. I'm here at my room, lying down on the bed, hugging my phone with Cadenza's picture in it, and my thoughts start to ramble. I make up my mind and decided to call her again. I call Cadenza... Ring.... Ring.... Ring..... She wont answer it. I think she's going through something. But she doesn't want anyone to talk to her. If thats the situation, I'll leave her be.....

Back at the Zvahl House....

Cadenza's POV
I still cant get over. Not even halfway... Why does he have to die? He's been a really great dad to me, then now his life is out... I just have to do what Laurance said... Move On, the future isn't something we could lean on... At least I have Laurance with me...
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. The Phone rings...
I looked at my phone, seeing that it was Garroth. I ignored it... I regret doing it thou. I really want to talk to anyone this week. I want to talk to myself. I took my phone and sees 15 Missed Calls from Garroth. I just hope Garroth doesn't think about something that will break his heart. I Love Garroth. I just dont want to answer his calls... I put back my phone in the bedside table and lied down on my bed. I look up the ceiling and my mind starts to ramble. Tears were flowing down my face. I took the picture of Hayden on the table and hugged it.
I'll never forget about you, dad. I love you Papa....
I suddenly fall asleep, hugging the picture as if it was a teddy bear...

~~Next Day~~

I'm awake... Just then I realise... I feel a little better now.
I go down and see Laurance making breakfast. I turn right and sees Isabell preparing the table. "Ah. Good Morning Cadenza!" Isabell greets. "Good Morning Isabell." I greet back. Laurance turns to me and asks "Hey Cadenza. Feeling better?" "Yes. I'm half way there..." I answer "Let me just get ready and I'll come down as soon as I'm finished..." I add. They both nod their heads 'Yes.' I go back up my room and get some clothes. "Bzzt Bzzt... Bzzt Bzzt..." My phone rings. I check it up, it was Garroth. I reject the call and text him instead...
Hey. Sorry if I missed your calls... Some incident just happened and i want to get over it before i talk to others... I'll meet you later... :)
I place my phone to the bed and headed to the bathroom to wash. Minutes later, i finished up. I go down to the dining area and eat the Bacon and Eggs that Laurance made....

Thats it for the day! See ya at the next chapter!

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