2 Hearts In The Arcade..

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Afternoon is on... Sun is about to set... The skies turn from a sky blue to an orangy yellow color... Two Hearts are walking down the sidewalk... Turns out, Aaron and Aphmau make their way to the Arcade for a date....

Aphmau's POV
Aaron and I are finally out of that Pun house.. Geez, that bonding was full of laughter. But hey! Aarons taking me on a date <3. Aaron holds my hand while walking down the sidewalk. "So Aphmau. What ya wanna play in the Arcade?" He asks. "Hmm... Anything will do SweetHeart..." I answer. "What about a racing game?" Aaron Suggests. "Yeah! But i wont go easy on you, just coz your my boyfriend..." I smirk. Minutes later, we arrive at the Arcade. We both run quickly to the Racing Game and start to play. Our cars bump each other, over and over again. "AARON. THIS ISNT BUMPER CARS!" I yell at him. "Haha. I know that. I'm just pushing you away to clear the track... Hahaha..." Aaron replies "Why dont you just add MUSIC to your TRACK instead.. Hahahahahah!" I pun at him, making him lose his focus on the game. A minute later, the game has ended. Results... "HAHA! I won this Time!" I celebrate "Heh. If it wasn't for your Pun..." Aaron smirks.

Cadenza's POV
Ah. The sunset has come. It looks like my hair... Orange and Yellow...
Garroth holds my hand while making our way to the mall for the Arcade. Heh. I still feel so sorry for PUNishing Aph and Aaron... Hahaha... They sure do hate puns. Minutes Later, we arrive infront of the mall. We step our way in and feel the cold from the inside of the mall. We walk up the hallway and Garroth turns his head to the jewellery shop by the side. He's looking at a beautiful ring... He turns his head to me and smiles "So. Where do you wanna go before the Arcade?" Garroth asks. "No where really... I just wanna stay with you..." I reply. The scene of him looking at the ring is stuck in my head. It gives me a quick idea that he wants to- nevermind.... "Heh. Zane and Vylad said to bring home some candy for them. I'm heading to the Candy store after the Arcade. Wanna join me?" Garroth says. Zane and Candies? That's unexpected... "Sure! I wanna bring some too for Laurance and Isabell." I reply. We then make our way to the Arcade. We see Aphmau and Aaron standing there by the counter. We run up to them and surprises them. "Gah! Cadenza! Garroth! What are you guys doing here? You just scared the Irene out of me!" Aphmau asks, surprised. "We're just having some quality time together. You?" I reply. Aaron says "We thought you'd never ask... However, did i tell you that Me and Aph~Meow-" "What? Dating? You know it's pretty obvious that the two of you are." Garroth cuts Aaron off. "What? No it isnt... I think... Uhhh... Maybeeeee? I dont know....?" Aphmau mutters. "So, when did you two start 'dating'?" I question "Meh. Just 6 months---" Aphmau says 6 MONTHS?! APHMAU, YOU HAVE GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO LATER!" Icut her off. We all giggle at Aphmau for her not telling. "Aphmau. I thought you wanted to get some Cotton Candy?" Aaron asks. "OH YAH! COTTON CANDYYYY!!!!" Aphmau runs to the store. We all laugh for Aphmau and her being of a sweet tooth. Aaron runs to her to catch up. It just reminds me of my father allowing to get candy... A tear drops from my eye "You okay Cadenza?" Garroth questions, seems like he noticed a tear drop. "I'm fiiiine. I just remembered something that used to happen with mah daddy..." I reply at him. "Awwwh. Dont you worry Cadenza, I'm always here for you..." Garroth replies, kissing my forehead. He holds my face and wipes my tears. I give him a smile. He returns the gesture. "Come on,lets get to the Arcade. Wanna play Table Hockey?" He suggests "UH-HUH! SURE DO!!?" I answer excitedly. We run inside and to the Table Hockey......

Aarons POV
I try to catch up to Aphmau since she ran so fast just for cotton candy. There she is! Aphmau turns her head around to look for me "AARON!" Aphmau yells. "APHMAU!" I surprise her at her back "GAH! Aaron, you just scared the Irenes name outta me!" Aphmau screams. I giggle and turns to her "So, Are you just getting Cotton Candy or what?" "It depends on you, do you want candy?" Aphmau offers. Hmmm... I'm not a candy person, but if Aph knows, she'll be going crazy at me for not liking Candy. "Sure. I'll get some candy." I answer. A man appears infront of us. Maybe he's the Owner of this candy stand "Hello Sweetiez! What candy do you want me to get for ya?!" He asks. That voice seems familiar. Wait. Isnt that McCloud?! "McCloud? What are you doing here?" I ask "Ah! Its You from that Christmas party!! Whats your name? Ah AARON, Aye!" McCloud Answers "Aaron. Who is this guy? He seems funny..." Aphmau whispers to me "Aphmau. This is McCloud Har. (A/N: Cant think of a last name.. DONT JUDGE!) McCloud, this is Aphmau Anders (A/N: Same goes here!)" I introduce. "Ah! Nice to meet you Ms. Aphmau! Say, are you going to be a Falcon soon? You two seem PERFECT, Aye!" He greets. A tint of blush lands on Aphmau and My face. "Ehh.. Umm.. Can we just get c-candy?" Aphmau ignores McClouds Question. "Well Sure! What do you want, mate?!?" He asks. "Cotton Candy for Aphmau. And Purple Jelly Beans for me." I reply. "Ah. I didnt know you liked Jelly Beans Àaron!" McCloud says as he gets the candy. "I do. Especially if its Purple. By the way, shouldnt Reese or Marsh do this job?" I answer. "Who're they?" Aphmau questions "McClouds friends from the Swim Team. They're both Candy Princes. And they're siblings too. Reese is Pink and Marsh is Blue" I reply. "Okay. Here are your CANDY! That will be 4 bits, mate!" McCloud says as he gives us the candy. Aphmau brings up her pocket, getting four bits. I stop her hand and Give McCloud my four bits instead. "Thanks Aaron! Cya around with your Future Wifey!" McCloud thanks. "Ehh.. Nice meeting you McCloud! I'm looking forward to see your Candy Friends (Author: Isnt that a bit offending to say) Sometime! Bai!" Aphmau goodbyes. I wave at McCloud a 'goodbye' and go back to the Arcade with our Candy...

Garroths POV
"Mwahaha! I won this time! FINALLY!" Cadenza celebrates. "Its not my fault. You were the one whos dropping down Puns while the game is on!" I mutter. "Awwh. Dont be silly, I always win at Pun War AND will always say puns.. PLUS, its my favorite thing to think about! (Not including you of course)" She says, lowering down her voice at the last sentence.
A minute passed, Aphmau and Aaron finally came back with candy. We run up to them "Hey Guys! Glad you're back! Say, do you guys wanna have a dance battle at that dancing game over there?" Cadenza offers "SURE! AARON HAS GOT THE MOVES, Right Aaron?" Aphmau agrees "I dont know" Aaron replies. "GREAT! Now, go ahead and eat your candy. We'ĺl be waiting for you to there. cya!" I say. Both Cadenza and I run up to the Dancing Game in the room nearby. 5 minutes later, Aaron and Aphmau arrives. We start to dance and win rounds....

Sorry for not uploading in a while! Thanks for waiting guys! See ya in da next chapter! BAII LOVELIES!!

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