Truth to be Told

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Isabell's POV
We're still looking for Ivy but she's no where to be found. Im not giving up until we see her. Ughh... Where could she be?? "Guys! Over here!" Nicole called.
We finally found her Partying in the Gym... Dante went closer "Heeey Ivy!" " what do you want now freak?" Ivy moaned. "Her hands are behind her back, do you think i could handcuff her?" Katelyn whispered to me "I think so. Shes busy talking to Dante anyways..." I whispered back. Katelyn went down the staircase and went up again using the other door at the back. Ivy didnt notice Katelyn....  Katelyn secretly handcuffed Ivy, making Ivy stuck in handcuffs. "GAH! What did you do to me?" Ivy Yelled. she tried using her magick to get out of the handcuffs. Not knowing, the handcuffs also took away the power Ivy has. "Aww Poor Little Ivy~Chan cant get out of  jail.." Vylad moaned. "Now. Your going with us." I said.
We went back to the school entrance, where Laurance told us to meet him. "Isabell! You guys are back!"Laurance said "The only thing we have to do now is get her to my Father." He added. We made our way back to the hospital on time. We saw Hayden outside the hospital, ready to face Ivy "who is this person? What are you making him do to me? What is the sense of this person to the problem? Get me out of here!" Ivy complained. Katelyn punched Ivy in the Face "Could you shut up?"

Laurance POV
Dad is outside waiting. We brought Ivy to him and started a little chat
Hayden: So. This is the Suspect?
Ivy: Who are you and why did you bring me here?
Laurance: Ivy this is me and Cadenza's father. If you wont shut up, i will hurt you.
Ivy: Gah! Gets scared Oh! I'm really sorry sir! Okay. I'll explain... You see, when i saw Cadenza and Garroth together, it made me Reaaaally Jealous. When I knew that they were going together in prom... I made a plan to get Cadenza's way out off Garroth. Then I made this poisonous drink that will make them Faint on the 3rd minute of slow dance. Now this happened... And I'm sooo sorry Mr. zvahl. Im sooooo Sorry. I was just jealous of them together... Please forgive me... Pleaaase...
Laurance: Well if thats the case...
Hayden: I accept your apology Ivy. Garroth and Cadenza are inside the room. Go and apologise to them.
Ivy: Y-Yes Sire! I promise, this wont happen again...

Narrator POV
Ivy, Laurance, Isabell, and Hayden went inside the room Cadenza and Garroth was in. Ivy asked for forgiveness.
Garroth: Holds Cadenza's hand Cadenza... Dont leave me...
Cadenza: Wakes up Garroth? *cough* W-What happened?
Garroth: Cadenza! You're finally awake! Y-You just fainted out of nowhere during the Prom Dance. Im glad your back!
Cadenza: Fainted? *coughs* I'm glad your by my side... I still feel in pain thou...
Ivy comes In with the others
Ivy: Cadenza. May i speak with you...
Cadenza: I-Ivy? Why are you in handcuffs?
Katelyn: oh yeah! Takes out handcuffs
Ivy: Cadenza, i just want to apologise... I'm really sorry for what i have done to you... Its all my fault. Forgive me... I'll pay for the Hospital Charges if you want me to... I can also be your guard in school if i can... And I--
Cadenza: Ivy. I accept your apology. You dont have to pay the Hospital Charges or be my Guard. I'd rather have you as a good friend.
Ivy: Tears fall down Really? Hug?
Cadenza: hug?
Ivy hugged Cadenza being very happy. They became friends but theres just one thing we have to solve...
Doctor: Well. I guess my work here is done... Cadenza is all fine now. Nothing wrong.
Everyone (Except Cadenza): Huh?
Doctor: the potion Ivy gave is just a potion that can be healed if the person who gave it becomes friends with the one who drank it. So everything is all clear.
Laurance: Doctor? How do you know about potions?
Doctor: Well, if you didnt notice me and my nurse.
Doctor and Nurse takes off the mask
Doctor and Nurse: Its just Us!
Everyone: Hyria and Lucinda?
Hyria: Hahahaha! Yep. Its us!
Cadenza: Well.... What are we doing now? Lets Party!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
Everyone left the hospital and went to the Zvahl's House to Party.....

Authors Note
Heeeeyyyoooo!!! Story is to be continued. tee Hee!!!!

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