Comfort Me I'm Broken..

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At the Ro'Maeve HouseHold...

Garroth's POV
Kawaii~Chan's scream is too High-Pitched to handle...
Anyways, Where's Zane and Vylad? I'm here to give them their Candy... I hear footsteps a the staircase. It was Zane. "Oh Hey Zane! I brought you Candy..." I greet as I reach him his Gummy Straps. "Thanks Garroth. Oh... You reminded me... I have to watch the latest episode of My Little--- I MEAN... I have to read the latest chapter of the (ZanChi) FanFic I'm reading..." Zane says. I give him a nod as he goes upstairs. I come up to Mother (who is now in the kitchen, preparing food for dinner.) "Mommy! Where's Vylad?" I ask. "GarGar!~ Vylad went to the park to meet with his bestfriend, Katelyn... Why would you ask?" Mom replies. "I brought him Candy!" I answer. "Awwh. That's so sweet of you, GarGar. You can leave the Candy on the counter over there. I will just tell Vylad that you brought him Candy." Mom says as she points to the counter. I immediately place the candy on the counter and sit on the couch while waiting for dinner.
Its already Dinner... Yet, Vylad hasn't arrived... The rain has started. The whole family is worried. We hear a bang from the door. It was Vylad. "VYLAD!" We all shouted of worry. Out of our chairs, we run up to him. He's wet... "Aw. Little Pea... Are you okay?!" Mom questions him. "I wont describe it as 'okay', I feel Broken... Into Pieces..." He answers. Broken? HE HAD A RELATIONSHIP?! "Broken...?" Zane mutters. Vylad tears up. I suddenly see a slight burn on his cheeks. "Vylad... Why do you have a slight burn on your cheeks?" I ask, slightly pointing at the burnt cheek ((A: IT BECOMES FRIED CHICKEN! XD (Sry for de Pun)) "I'll tell you..." Vylad starts...

~~FlashBack (Vylad's POV)~~
I see this girl with beautiful Purple hair. I run up to her and introduced myself. After I intoduce myself, she did hers... "Nice Meeting you Vylad! I'm Katey. Katey Valkrum, an older sister to Travis Valkrum." She introduces. Her voice is beautiful... like an angel... "Hey Katey, wanna hang out?! I just wanna talk to someone while waiting for my GirlFriend..." I invite. "Well, Sure Vylad! As long as your Girlfriend wont mind..." Katey replies. We chat and chat for minutes or so... "You know, You are such an adorable muffin..." Katey compliments. "Awwh. Thanks! Your an adorable cupcake..." I compliment back (I have no idea what I just said...) Katey and I start to give eye contact to each other until Katelyn comes... "Vylad..." Katelyn gets my attention. "Oh. I better get going.... Bye Vyladdy!" Katey goodbyes. I stand up with Katelyn imfront of me. "WHO IS SHE?!" Katelyn yells. I reply "Oh. She's Katey Valkrum... the older sister of Travis. She's such an angel you---" "YOU DATED SOMEONE ELSE?! BEHIND MY BACK?" Katelyn cuts me off.

"No Katelyn... Its Not what it looked like! I swear, I wasn't dating--"


"Katelyn... Its Not what it really seemed like... she's just a nice girl..."


"Katelyn. Please... Let me explain...."

"Hmph. How can I Let you explain?! What I see is what I seem whats happening...."

Please dont tell me we're done....

"Sorry Katelyn..."

"Oh. Riiiight... 'Sorry', The word they use to make things go back to normal..."

"I mean it..."

"Of Course you do... You're the one who caused this anyway..."

"Forgive Me?"

"*sigh* No...."

"W-What?! Why?!..."

"You have your other already... And By The Way...FOR ALL THESE YEARS, VYLAD. FOR ALL THESE YEARS. YOU GIVE ME THIS?! I'VE BEEN THERE FOR YOU, NOW YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE ME, ALONE?! Vylad. I dont know what to say right now.... When you needed a prom Date, i was there.... When you needed help for Volleyball class, I WAS THERE. Now Your leaving me?!"

"Katelyn please... I'm really sorry.."

"No Vylad. Leave me alone.... Go have fun with your other..."

"*sigh* I guess this is GoodBye, Katelyn..."

Minutes Later...

Jeffory and I start a tiny chat. I get into his nerves.... His Eyes turn Gold and it Burns my cheeks...

~End Of FlashBack~

"Sorry Vylad..." Garroth says. "Its okay... Atleast I have Katey with me..." I answer. "I am more likely disappointed that you had a girlfriend without telling us..." Father Garte says. "Sorry...." I reply. Tears continue dripping down my face as I remember the scene in my mind. Zane, Garroth, Mom, and Dad give me a hug... I smile and they return the gesture.
Vylad: Thank you Guys...
Zane: No need to be thankful...
Garroth: Its what families are for...
Zianna: We Love you Vylad...

Crap... I cried while writing this... FAMILY LOOOVE....
Thats it for today! BYE!

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