By the Lake...

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Garroths POV
I dont know how to tell Cadenza this but..
"Will you be my GirlFriend?"
Cadenza blushed like a tomato... She seems shocked and I was just waiting for her answer..
"B...but Garroth, you know I'm really messy... I get bossy at times... I'm really nosy, as in really nosy... I drool in my sleep... And.. And i even--"

Cadenza's POV
Garroth asked me to be his girlfriend... I dont know what to say... Theres Laurance which i need to take care of since dad is out... "And.... And I even--"
I paused and Garroth kissed me... I didn't expect it to happen... "Cadenza, i dont care if your messy, i wont care if you drool in your sleep, and your not the only one whos really nosy... Let me ask you again... Will you be my girlfriend?"
Garroth said. I looked down blushing... I raised my head seeing Garroth....
"Yes" i answered...
Garroth hugged me seeing that he's very happy and i hugged back.

The next day in school...

Ivys POV
Grrrrr. That little fire head just stole my Garroth Ro'Meave!!! Heh. Good thing she doesnt have my phone number...
Texts Cadenza
I. Hey you little Theif!
C. Ummmm... I'm sorry but who is this?
I. You dont need to know who I am... I just know that your a little fire head theif..
C. I'm not a theif...
I. Meet me by the School Pool at the end of school. Okay?
C. Ummm... Okaaay?
End of Convo
Ahhaahahha. Time to get my plan done. Lily! Come here! " yes Ivy?" Lily said "we got some work to do..." I answered.

Cadenza's POV
This person just texted me and now I have to meet her at the school pool when class ends... I really think this person is Ivy. She called me a theif.. A fire headed theif... Should i tell Garroth about this?
Calls Garroth
Garroth. Hey!
Hey Cadenza! Whats up?
I'm meeting with someone at the end of school. Wanna join me?
I'm not sure but I think its Ivy.
Okay. I'll join you. Especially if it's Ivy...
Okay. Meet at the school pool! Bye!
Bye Cadenza!
Call Ends
Garroth is coming with me to meet this person... Good thing he agreed or else by the time I talk to this person im dead.

Garroth's POV
Cadenza called me. She said someone texted her to meet by the school pool after the class... Lets see how this goes... Now, i need to get to class...
I'm walking by the hallway going to my room. There i see Nicole and Katelyn...
"Why do you even care about me and Dante?" Nicole asked
"Its because you might forget about me when your always with him!" Katelyn answered
"Why would i even forget you? Your my best bud! I will never do that!" Nicole said
Aawwww Friendship argument... I remember when i used to have it with Laurance...
Anyways, my class is just straight over there...

End of School

Lily's POV
Me and Ivy are here at the school pool waiting for the Fire Head.. What is Ivy even up to? Well... If its about Garroth, i regret coming with her...
The fire head came... With Garroth? Well.... I'm out!

Ivys POV
Ugh.. Garroth came along! Couldnt they get separated for once?
I. Ivy C. Cadenza G. Garroth

I. Well... Fancy seeing you here, Fire Head... And you brought your Garroth too...
C. Dont call me that..,
G. What do you want now Ivy?
I. I just want to tell you something...
C. Tell me what?
Ivy gets closer and pushes Cadenza into the pool...
C. HEY! What was that for?
G. *helps Cadenza up* Not cool Ivy..
I. Look. I just want you to get out of my sights.. As in the two of you together.. If i see you together one more time... Get ready to get hurt...
C. Why us? Why dont you try to get out of our sights?
I. No.... Now, get out of my sights before I hurt you... I'm a hot head, remember?
G. Yeah you are a hot head... Because you are burning in hell!!!
I. Ugggghhhhh!!! Just get out!!!
Cadenza and Garroth left Ivy at the school pool...

Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow (A GarDenza Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now