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Copyright 2016
My Possessive Hooded Stranger
Chapter Seven


Hey, my little wattpadians! Before you start reading I just wanted to share something with you guys. Today my mom went for her yearly mammogram, and they found something a little iffy. And it's possible that it could be a rare form of breast cancer, called inflammatory breast cancer. They aren't ruling it as the diagnosis right away. It could also be an infection. But that form of cancer masks itself with the same symptoms as an infection, so it is very hard to catch. I will update you all when we go for her appointment next Monday. My mom is my everything, and I love her so much. I pray that it is just an infection and nothing more. But it is a possibility. So if you could all keep her in your thoughts and say a prayer for her, it would mean the world to us and it would be greatly appreciated. ❤️ Thank you all so much. I love all of you. Happy reading ❤️😊


A ringing noise sounded by my ear, startling me awake. "Yeah, man.", the pounding of my heart began to slow as I heard Hawks voice. It had only been his phone ringing. It wasn't Tomithy's alarm signaling him that it was time. " Are you kidding me? There? She is there? Yeah, man. I'll be there soon. I just need to make sure that my woman is taken care of. Yeah."  I heard the click of the phone being shut and the sound of feet slapping the hard wood floors as he made his way towards the bed from across the room.

"Sweetheart, I know that it's late, but I have to go to work. I'm sorry, there are just some, uh...last minute things that I have to take care of. That's all. I'll be back tomorrow morning, baby."  I felt a kiss being pressed to the back of my head before hearing the front door close only seconds later. My last thoughts before I fell into the abyss of dreams once more were, "who was Hawk talking to? And who is she?".


It had been two days since Hawk had left in the middle of the night, and I had no idea where he was. He had called yesterday explaining that he had to leave for work for the next few days, but he wouldn't tell me where he was going. I had no way to get ahold of him, he said that his number would be out of reach. So here I was, stuck in his house, in the middle of nowhere, all alone. 

Sighing in aggravation, I make my way to the kitchen and begin to raid his pantry. "Leaving me here all by myself. What an asshole. What do you want to eat, Freya? Hmm...AHH! RAMEN NOO—

Bringgggg bringgggg brinnggggg

"Ugh!!" With a growl I slam the pantry door and make my way to the cordless phone lying on the kitchen counter. Whoever dares to call when I am in the middle of finding food had better be fücking magical. Just when I had set my sights on that beautifully wrapped orange package of chicken flavored Ramen Noodles.


"Baby...? Is everything okay? You sound...hostile." Hawks voice came through the phone and I suddenly felt at ease, my irritation melting away just as quickly as it had came.

"I-I'm fine, Hawk. I was just..." How was I supposed to tell him that I got angry over being interrupted from grabbing an oh so delicious pack of Ramen Noodles? "I was in the middle of trying to find something to eat." I murmured, looking down at the counter in embarrassment. If only he could see me.

A chuckle sounded through the phone and I could just imagine his lips tilting in a smug little smile. "I just wanted to call and let you know that I'll be coming home to you in a few hours, my little one. I was able to get away earlier than I thought."

A smile made its way onto my lips before I could stop it. I was so angry with him for leaving for two days, without telling me a single thing about it. I was so angry that he left me here all alone in an unfamiliar place. And I was so curious about who she was. But Hawk was coming home to me. He said that he was coming home to me.

"I-I'll see you w-when you get h-home?" I stuttered out. Closing my eyes in sheer mortification, I slapped my hand to my forehead. It came out as more of a question than a statement. Of course I was going to see him when he came home. Where else would I be? Hong Kong? Although traveling to Hong Kong is on my bucket list. I wonder if maybe I'll get to go there with Hawk one day.

"Yes baby girl, you'll see me why I get home." I could hear voices calling his name in the background before he spoke again, "I gotta get off here, baby. I'll be home in a little while. Don't hurt yourself in the kitchen. Understand?"


He had hung up the phone before I even had the chance to tell him goodbye or to drive safely. He was acting so different today...

Maybe he just had a bad day at work? I'm sure he just had a rough day and he doesn't really feel like talking much.

I am going to bake him cookies! My momma always baked me cookies when I was having a bad day. She would always laugh and say, while dunking her cookies into her glass of milk, "cookies are like men, my darling Freya. They make you happy, even though they aren't good for you. You'll understand one day, my darling girl."

And she was right.


Smiling to myself I turn the timer on the stove to twelve minutes before popping the cookies into the oven. Oh I hope Arson likes the—


The front door suddenly slams open, interrupting my train of thought and scaring the living day lights out of me!


Erika Lawson?!

& have a blessed day!

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