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Copyright 2016
My Possessive Hooded Stranger
Chapter Ten

**PLEASE READ: Thank you again to everyone keeping my momma in your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. It is very much appreciated. The support from all of you makes her feel so much better. She was so surprised when I told her you all were praying for her, she sends her love to each of you and says that you all will be in her prayers as well. We love you all. ❤️❤️❤️**

Brother in law? Brother in law? BROTHER IN LAW? Placing my hand over my chest, I take a deep breath, hoping to calm my racing heart. "Y-your brother in law? Am I hearing you correctly?"

Erika glanced at me with a sneer plastered across her bloodied face, "Did I stutter, bïtch?" Her voice was laced with anger, yet underneath I could hear a trace of sadness. She loved her husbands brother. Oh. My. Lanta. "You...you love your husbands brother?" Her face becomes shuttered, giving not an ounce of emotion towards my words.

"Don't talk about him.", Hawks angry voice echoes throughout the now silent house. Now he is angry at me? For what; asking a good question? "You have no right to ask her that. It isn't any of your business." D-did he just...

Ladies, back me up here. When your man tells you that something "isn't your business" especially when the situation actually involves you, it's only natural to go from 0-10000000, right? And that is exactly what I am about to do...

"ISN'T MY BUSINESS? IT ISN'T MY BUSINESS?! This girl is trying to tear apart our relationship, falsely accused me of punching her, claims to love her husbands brother, who happens to be my man, but probably not for much longer if I'm being honest with you, and you get angry at me and say it's "NOT MY BUSINESS"?! Are you fücking kidding me, Arson? Are you fücking kidding me?" My voice was hoarse from all of my yelling. This was too much. This was just too fücking much to take.

Closing my eyes, I run my fingers through the ends of my tangled curls, a soothing mechanism I had picked up after only a week with Tomithy. I should have left him sooner than I did. But it took me being commanded by a stranger to finally see the light. Even though this turned out to be a shîtty situation, I was thankful that it showed me a way out of my abusive relationship with Tomithy.

"You know what, Hawk, I don't have to stay here," I held my hand up quickly as he began to interrupt, "uh, uh, uh...no, let me finish. I don't have to stay here," I reiterated, making sure that he understood the point that I was trying my damnedest to get across to him, "I don't have to. I only stayed here because you wanted me to, and because I finally felt...safe. But, I don't feel safe with you anymore. And honestly, I don't care what you want right now. I am done, Arson. Done." And with that I turned, making my way to the back door.

As my fingers came into contact with the cold brass handle, he spoke hoarsely, "Don't. Don't leave. I-I didn't mean to...to do this. For this to turn out this way. This is not what I wanted." This is not what he wanted? How does he think it felt for me?

"This isn't about what you wanted, Arson. This is about what you did. I have learned that actions speak louder than words. And right now, the only thing that your actions are shouting at me is, "BULLSHîT."" Opening the door, I looked back at him. Was this really what I wanted to do? Did I really want to leave him without hearing the full story? Yes. And you know what, everyone might think that it is stupid of me. But I'm tired of caring about what everyone else might think.

It's time to think about me for a change.

"Baby...please. I haven't even learned your name. We have...we have so much that we can build on. We can start over. Please. Please do not walk out that door, Princess. P-please." I could hear the tears in his voice. I could hear them. The way that his speech became sloppy at the end of his plea. I knew that he was crying.

But I had to go.

"My name is Freya, Arson. And I'm about to set your world on fire." Slinging the words that he had said to me when I first learned his name back into his face as I walked out that door...I couldn't help but smirk. Maybe, just maybe, within the four days that I had been in a "relationship" with Arson, I had finally grown a back bone.


Slamming the door closed behind me, I stepped out onto the back porch and looked up into the sky with a smile stretched across my lips. I was losing Hawk, and that hurt like hell. But I was finally finding myself.

& have a blessed day!

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