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Copyright 2016

My Possessive Hooded Stranger

Chapter 33: THE END

(Hawks POV)

My sweet baby was cradled against my chest, as I soothingly patted her bottom. My mind was swirling with the events that had taken place this evening. My little one had gotten down on her sweet little knees and proposed to me, with a special ring that she had designed, just for me. I had not expected that. At all. But dâmn if I wasn't happy as fvck about it.

Come on, men, wouldn't you be happy as fvck if the woman you wanted and were more in love with, than anything else in the entire fvcking world, proposed to you?

I felt that proposing was my job. I was the man, I was meant to choose a ring that was nearly as beautiful as my woman herself, get down on one knee, and ask for her sweet little hand in marriage. And I had done just that...that night. The night that I had nearly lost my precious little one. If I had lost her for the second time...I would have been lost myself. I don't know what I would have possibly done. My happiness, my life...would have been completely gone. My little princess, soon to be queen, was the only reason that I woke up every single morning. She was my everything, as I was hers. She was the reason for my every breath. I loved her. I was so in love with her. I forever would be.

I absolutely adore the little woman that was currently shivering with nerves in my arms. When I had mentioned the test, she had become a nervous wreck, cowering further into my body, without a word. But I knew that she was doing her "thinking thing", and I was going to let her. I would not push her to talk if she was not ready. I would never push her. She would come to me with anything, when she was ready.

I felt her sigh against my neck as she moved on my lap, trying to make herself comfortable. "Hawk..." She mumbled, sleepily. I tightened my arms around her, bringing her as close as I possibly could. Her hair brushed the underside of my chin as I tilted my head down so that my mouth rested near her ear. "Baby girl, do you want to talk about it?" My lips brushed the shell of her ear, causing her to shiver, and I hid my smile in her unruly curls.

"I didn't know...I didn't think, I-I.." Her voice was shaky as she grappled through her thoughts, "I didn't think it was possible. They told me it wasn't possible. Not after...that night. I-I missed my cycle two weeks after our fist time together, but I didn't think anything of it. And then I missed it this month, but I just thought that with the stress, and the operation, my body needed time to right itself." She rambled on, reaching her hands up to grasp tightly onto my shoulders, "I called Maverick," she whispered, looking up at me. My heart dropped at her words. She called Maverick. But not me? "And h-he told me t-to take a home pre-pregnancy test!", her words came out in a high pitched shriek and I nearly had to remove my arms from around her to cover my ears.

The pregnancy test that I had found while cleaning out the bathroom cabinet had shocked me beyond belief. I had spent two hours sitting in the floor, my back against the bathroom toilet, with that stick in my hands, just simply staring at the positive symbol. My little one was pregnant. She was pregnant. With my baby. Our baby. According to that thin white plastic stick, my baby and I had created a life together that now resided in her little belly.

I wanted nothing more than to calm her nerves, and at the same time shout for joy at the fact that I was going to be a daddy! But the fact that she called Maverick, my best friend, rather than calling me...bothered me. I wanted to be the one that my little one always came to. Especially when it came to things like pregnancy.

"Hawk...w-what are you thinking?" Her voice was filled with tears, and I knew that she was trying hard to maintain her composure. I wanted to reassure her, and let her know that I was over the moon with joy. But Maverick?

I sighed, gently running my fingers down the curve of her pert little bottom. "I'm thinking how happy I am that now I'll have two babies. You. And that precious little bundle of ours that you're carrying." I smiled softly at her, "I'm beyond happy, baby girl. I am so happy. I just want to know why you called Maverick, instead of...me." My words were gentle and laced with confusion.

I didn't want my sweet girl to keep things from me. I didn't want her to feel as though she couldn't talk to me about something like that. Something so important. "I called him because...I didn't want you to be scared that something would go wrong." Her voice was a hushed whisper, and my heart grew heavy at her words. "I just...you have been so upset since the accident. I didn't want to scare you. I didn't want to make you worry about anything else. I'm sorry, Hawk. It wasn't that I didn't want to come to you, I just didn't want to scare you, especially when I wasn't sure.", she sniffled softly, digging her sweet little face into my shoulder.

I understood. I did always worry that something might happen to my little one. Especially after that night. I had almost lost her...for the second time. I couldn't bear to ever go through that again.

"Baby girl, I love you. I love this life that you are carrying," I placed my hand on her stomach, smoothing my thumb across the flat surface, "the life that we created. This is our baby, Princess. I do worry, baby. I do worry, and I will always worry. Because I love you, and our baby, more than anything in this world." I smiled softly as I thought of her flat belly rounding with our little bundle, "But no matter how much I worry, I want you to always come to me. I need to know these things, sweet girl. I need to know these things because I always want to be the one that is holding your hand and helping you every single step of the way. I want to be there for you. Always." My thumb continued to trace patterns on her belly as I listened to her sweet little sniffles.

I thought back to finding the pregnancy test, and smiled. I couldn't be more proud to be a daddy, an actual daddy...not just one in the bedroom to my little fiancé. I was delighted, over the moon, just plain ecstatic! My little one was going to have my baby, our baby, growing inside of her belly. I felt my chest expand with pride. Looking down at the sweet woman in my arms, my heart grew warm. My God, I loved her more than everything and anything in this world. "What did I ever do to deserve you, little one?" I whispered into her curls, so softly that it's a wonder that she heard, "You loved me, Hawk. You loved me.", her head fell against my shoulder and within seconds I could hear her soft little snores that reminded me so much of the purr of a tiny kitten.

I am so in love with you, baby girl.

As I sat holding my little girl in my lap as she slept, I thought of how different life would be after tonight. We were engaged to be married, very soon (there was absolutely no way in hell that I would allow her to make me wait through a long engagement to have her as my wife. Shît we were already practically married,) and we were expecting a precious little bundle of joy. Life would not be the same...no.

Life was about to be so much better.

I am so glad that my little one accepted me as her possessive hooded stranger.


& have a blessed day!

I cried so much through writing this chapter, because I knew that it was the end. I want to say thank you so much for all of you. For being my family, my friends...and just because MPHS has reached its end, that doesn't mean our friendships will. Thank you for all of your love and support. Every single vote, every single comment, every single read...I'm so thankful and grateful for all of it, and all of you. Writing MPHS has helped me through a lot of hard times these past couple of years. And so have you all.


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