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Copyright 2016
My Possessive Hooded Stranger
Chapter Two

Have you ever felt a feeling so incredibly strong, that you can't help but to writhe in complete and utter agony? Well, that gut wrenching "feeling" is called attraction. And attraction is what I am feeling towards this mysterious figure that is currently standing behind me, his hard...oh so perfectly defined chest (Shut up. It is. If you were leaning against some sexy ass stranger you wouldn't have any qualms relishing in the fact!) ....I really should quit talking to myself. But, oh well! Anyhow, his hard...oh so perfectly defined chest pressed tightly against my shoulder blades. Shut up...I know what you're thinking! Yes...I'm short. Shove a pie into your pie-hole if you are even thinking about calling me "Shorty"...I'll have you flat on your rear end before you can blink. Darn it...quit getting me off topic. I'm trying oh so hard to concentrate on this sexy piece of mysterious meat behind me, and you are disturbing me!

"Darling, are you alright?.. You looked to be out of sorts for a moment there.". His voice, so soft...so incredibly sexy rang against my ear. "I-Im fine. I was just thinking about when my ride was going to get here! Because you know that its dark outside...as you can see. I mean, its supposed to get dark at night time, right? I think I learned that in seventh grade science class...but I cannot be sure. Maybe it was sixth grade. Or tenth grade biology. Ooh...I might've even learned about it in math. I think it has something to do with Pluto. You know Mickey, right? His dog...Pluto. Yeah...the dog off Disney channel...Mickey Mouse you know? I think you get my drift...anyhow I'm pretty sure that Pluto lives on the Sun and he makes the world go round as he runs his laps....yeah. I'm sure that's it...

That sounds about right! Ooh! And maybe Mickey lives on the Moon! Wait no that couldn't happen. Because who would feed Plu-"

"Hey...baby, slow down. Take a deep breath. Yes, that's a good girl. One more time for me. Breathe in-breathe out. There you go...just like that. Good girl." His hand, large against the small of my back is hard and rough, a hard working mans hand, but yet it is so soft and gentle as he slowly moves it across my back in a comforting manner. "All better, baby girl?" I slowly nod my head, while keeping my eyes on the ground until I feel a gentle, yet firm hand underneath my chin. "Look at me, sweet girl, look at me. Hey...no baby! Don't cry. I'm right here...don't cry! You're alright. I'm here. I'm right here. I. Am. Right. Here. Baby girl. I am not going anywhere." His calloused fingers run slowly across my cheek, gently wiping away all traces of my tears. "Now, tell me what's got your pretty little self so upset.". Even though his voice was soft, I knew that he was not asking. He was telling. He was demanding me to tell him what was wrong.

And one look at his hooded, stocky figure, told me that he would not be allowing me to get away without telling him the truth.

"Not a chance in hell, Princess. I get what I want. And right now, I want you to tell me the truth. Why are you really out here, in the dark, on the bad side of town? You better tell me the truth. Now.".

& have a blessed day!

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