Chapter 15

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It had been a matter of seconds after Lisa sent Luke the text and he phone started ringing, she couldn't face talking to him right now so she silenced his call and decided to get up and go for a shower. Half and hour later Lisa emerged from the shower and looked at her phone, 8 missed calls and 4 txt messages,
"Baby it's not what you think"
"Baby please let me explain"
"Lisa, don't do this please answer"
"I'm on my way back"
The last one was sent only 5 minutes ago so she had time to get her things together and get them into the car.
Just as she was putting her bag in the trunk Luke came running up the gravel path alone.
"Baby what you doing, please don't leave, give me 10 minutes and if you wanna leave after that then I won't stand in your way but please"
Lisa looked into his eyes and said,
"Fine, you have 10 minutes"
They both walked in silence to the living area. Lisa wondered where the guys where,
"I took the smaller boat back in shore, the guys are still fishing" it was like he could read her mind.
Luke sat down on the sofa and pleaded with Lisa to join him, but she was too angry to be near him.
"Your time is ticking Luke"
"Baby, it's not what you think"
"Well what am I supposed to think, Luke, who is she?"
Luke stared at Lisa she could see he was hurting,
"Baby she is someone I hooked up with a few months ago, I swear she means nothing to me"
"Oh so she is one of your many notches on your bedpost then, another fan who you seduced and dump just like that, just like you are going to do to me" Lisa yelled as a tear ran down her face.
"You are nothing like her baby, yes she was another fan, but I was beyond wasted when I was with her, she came on to me while I was out with the guys in Montana"
Lisa was in full crying mode now,
"Do you expect me to believe that, if you were that drunk and she meant nothing, then why is she commenting on pictures of you, being all inviting, and saying she can't wait to see you again"
"I don't know baby honestly I haven't had any contact with her since that night, please don't throw what we have away because of something that happened before I met you, please"
Luke was almost in tears and Lisa calmed a little, he looked sincere but she had to get to the bottom of this,
"Luke what do we have, I'm not sure, I have these feelings for you which I am unable to describe, but I am terrified"
"Baby why are you scared" said Luke as he walked up to Lisa,
"I am scared because I don't know where this is going and what is going to happen when you return to Nashville, am I going to be another Kelsie to you, someone who you refer to as drunken get together"
Luke placed his hand on Lisa's face and said,
"What I feel for you I way more than I ever thought I could feel for someone I just met, I for sure want this to work out, hell baby if I could freeze time for us I would"
Lisa looked in this eyes, she could see his eyes water,
"Luke I feel the same, but how is this going to work"
"Baby it will if we want to; I think I am falling in love with you, I know that might sound insane as we have only just met, but I do I love you Lisa "
Lisa didn't know what to say she was in cloud 9 right now, Luke Bryan just told her he loves her,
"I love you too baby, more than anything"
She crashed her lips into his as they both cried. Lisa was the first to speak
"What are we going to do about Kelsie?"
Luke pulled out his phone and showed Lisa a picture Carter had taken Lisa first arrived at the cabin and posted it on Twitter, saying guys I would like to introduce my girlfriend Lisa she means more than the world to me, please treat her with the same respect you do me #mybaby #bestthinginmylife #love#tothemoonandback.
Lisa was shocked but beyond ecstatic,
"Baby we will make this work"
Within seconds the well wishers were flooding in Carter replied?
"Way to go buddy luv ya, see you to love birds soon, oh and Luke get the BBQ on we have some celebrating to do"
Lisa laughed at that comment.
She hugged Luke so tight, right now she was so happy, she was in love and as for the logistics they would be sorted out.

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