Chapter 34

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Luke's POV
I'm kicking my tour off in Montreal, 8 weeks of back to back tour dates then I am off until End of September, to spend time with Lisa and our new baby Tate. It's an hour before my VIP and meet and greets start so I decide to call Lisa, *ring *ring
"Hi baby" she answered on the 2nd ring
"How are my two favourite people doing"
"We are good missing you like crazy, but Lana is staying with me to keep one another company, how's Canada"
"That brilliant baby Carter was asking for Lana you have to tell her he will call her after the show. Yeah Cananda is good, managed to get out fishing this morning which was good"
"Haha you and your fish"
"You know me darlin, well I better get going the VIP starts in 30 mins, I love you baby to the moon...
"And back....." Lisa replied
I hung up the phone and made my way to the VIP room.
After the show I was so tired so I quickly called Lisa and was making my way to the bus when Kelsie appeared from behind the bus
"Hi baby"
"Kelsie what on earth are you doing here, and I am not your baby"
"Oh come on Lukey you know you loved the night we spent together" she replied
"Kelsie please leave or I will call security to have you escorted."
"Ok Luke calm down, I know you will come running back to me so I will only sit here and wait" she turned and walked away.
I was so angry that I just wanted to head to the closest bar and get drunk, but Michael stopped me,
"Buddy it's not worth it, she ain't worth it"
I knew he was right, "I know buddy she just knows how to push my buttons"
"C'mon lets get on the bus and get out of here, one down 45 shows to go"
I laughed at the enthusiasm in his voice, I know he was missing Lana just like I was missing my baby.

Next stop is Uncasville for two nights at  the Mohegan Sun Arena.

I fired up a text my phone to Lisa simply telling he I loved her.

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