Chapter 17 - goodbyes

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Well the time had come for Lisa and Lana to go home after a fantastic few days up state, there was some highs and lows but everything was fantastic. Luke helped pack up Lisa's car and stood with his forehead  against hers,
"I am going to miss you baby, we will see one another real soon I promise and I meant what I said I love you"
"Oh Luke I love you so much, I wish we didn't need to be apart"
Luke placed the sweetest kiss on her lips and she could feel that he meant everything he said. As she got in the car she looked in her rear view and the tears started to fall. When would she see him again he had a busy run of shows coming up and She was back at work, but as they both said, they would make it work
The drive home took just over 2 hours and as Lisa entered her apartment she felt so lonely, thank god she had Lana who understood how she felt, because she missed Carter. She reached for her phone to text Luke and say she made it home safely and that she missed him and had a fantastic time. He texted back almost immediately, saying the same.
The girls decided to go out for dinner try and take there mind off the guys. While they were out Lisa logged into Twitter to check her notifications, she had 1744 notifications, mostly from well wishers all good comments well except from 1, yip Kelsie had something to say,
"Looks like Luke found himself a filler until I see him again #skank #hedontloveyou"
Lisa threw her phone on the table, drawing Lanas attention,
"What's up?"
"Oh nothing just some idiot ex of Luke's,  well I wouldn't say ex, he fucked her a few months ago, now she is saying that he don't love me and was only using me until he sees her again"
"What an absolute bitch, just ignore her ok"
Lisa put Kelsie's comment to the back of her mind and continued there night.
On the way home, she just realised she hadn't heard from Luke in a little while so she dropped him a goodnight text. She still didn't have a reply by the time she reached her apartment which she found weird as he always texted back immediately. She entered her apartment and headed straight to bed.

Why do you think Luke never replied?

I will update ASAP 😀

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