Chapter 22

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Three weeks later

I woke up and ran through to the bathroom to be sick, this was the third morning in a row now
"Lisa I think you need to go to the doctor, this can't be good" said Lana
"It's just a bug or something, it only seems to be the morning, I will be fine" I got myself together and got ready for work. My phone started ringing and I looked down and saw Luke's name, a smile instantly spread across my face,
"Morning baby" said Luke in his sexy morning voice.
"Morning babe" I said in a groggy voice
"You ok baby you don't sound to good"
"I was just a little sick this morning I think I have a big or something"
Luke replied
"Get to the doctors baby, I don't want you being ill, promise me"
"Ok I will go today but only to ease your mind"
I spoke to Luke for a few more minutes he had a busy few days ahead of him, he had 4 back to back shows in the mid west then he was off for ten days and I would get to see him, it's been a long 3 weeks.

I arrived at the doctors. I managed to get an appointment in my lunch hour which was a bonus.
"Hi Lisa, how are you today?"
"Hi Dr Scott, I'm ok now but for the past few mornings I have been sick, I think I have a bug" I saw the doctor look at me a little longer than expected,
"I see, I just need to ask you a few questions, when last did you have your period?"
I was a little shocked at that question, I couldn't be pregnant me and Luke are so careful.
"Em I should have came on last week, but I have been a little stressed, I am missing my boyfriend, he is away on tour at the moment."
"Oh your dating Luke Bryan aren't you"
"Yeah for my sins" I laughed
"Well what we will do is, I will run a quick pregnancy test just to rule that out, is that ok Lisa"
I was in complete shock, there is no way I could be pregnant, Luke will be so mad, we have only been dating a few months.. Oh he is going to leave me he will be thinking I am trying to trap him. I answered the doctor,
"Ok but we always take precautions?"
"Like I said Lisa I'm only ruling out causes for your sickness" she replied sympathetically.
I took the sample cup and went into the private bathroom in her office. I was out in a few minutes and handed it to the doctor,
"This will only take a couple of minutes Lisa"
I sat nervously watching the clock, please don't let me be pregnant.
"Well Lisa it seems as though we have reached a conclusion for your sickness, you are indeed pregnant, congratulations"
I sat there in complete shock, this can't be happening, Luke is going to hate me.
I left the doctors in daze, am made my way home. 
What am I going to tell Luke.............

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