Chapter 35

911 37 1

Luke had been gone 5 weeks now and I was missing him like crazy. I was getting so big now another month and my little tater tot would be here. Lana was basically doing everything for me as I was so big. Luke called me everyday morning noon and night he is such a worrier.

I went on to Twitter to see what had been happening I hadn't been on in over a month. The first thing that popped up was that bitch Kelsie saying she had a fantastic time at Luke's concert, and that she loved catching up with Luke. I was so angry I threw my phone off the wall. Lana came running through,
"What the fuck Lisa, what's wrong"
I was crying hysterically,
"He (sob, sob) didn't (sob) even tell (sob sob) me"
"Lisa was are you talking about, who didn't tell you what, and pleas calm down its not good for you or the baby"
"Luke, that bitch was at his opening show in Montreal and he didn't even say anything to me, I just check Twitter and there she is stirring shit again"
I didn't know what I was going to do, did he cheat on me, no he wouldn't he loves me to much, but why didn't he say anything.
"Lis, come on nothing would have happened, let me call Michael and see what happened, and we are going to have to get you a new phone"
I went through to the kitchen and called Michael.
"Hey baby, everything ok"
"Hey babe yeah everything is ok with me, is Luke close to you"
"Can you go into another room I need to ask you something"
I heard Michael say to Luke that he would be right back,
"What's the matter baby?"
"Lisa has just been on Twitter and that bitch Kelsie said that she was at Luke's concert and it was good to catch up with him"
I heard Michael sigh,
"Yeah she was here and it's not what you think, she tried it on with Luke and he went bat shit crazy, told her that if she ever came within a mile of his family or him then he would have her arrested"
I breathed a sigh of relief
"He didn't day anything baby because I told him not to, it was nothing and he didn't want to upset Lisa"
"Well she has broken her phone off hen wall that's how upset she was, he should have said she would have understood and expected some sort of immature tweet"
I was fuming with both of them, why can men be so dumb sometimes.
"I'm sorry"
"You don't need to apologise it's that lump of a man called your boss who does, tell him Lisa broke her phone and we are going to get a new one and tell him to call her after the show tonight. I will try and sort out things my end ok. "
I hung up and went back through to Lis and told her everything Michael told me, she seems a little better. We got in the truck and headed to the Apple Store for a new phone.

Baby be mine (Luke Bryan Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora