Chapter 21

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Mature content warning

I wake, too warm, and I'm wrapped around a naked Luke. Even though he's fast asleep, he's holding me close. Soft morning light filters through the curtains. My head is on his chest, my leg tangled with his, my arm across his stomach.
I raise my head slightly, scared that I might wake him. He looks so young, so relaxed in sleep, so utterly beautiful. I can't quite believe this Adonis is mine, all mine.
Hmm . . . Reaching up, I tentatively stroke his chest, running my fingertips across it, and he doesn't stir. Holy cow. I can't quite believe it. He's really mine— for a few more precious moments. I lean over and tenderly kiss his chest. He moans softly but doesn't wake, and I smile. I kiss him again and his eyes open.
"Hi." I grin at him, guiltily.
"Hi," he answers warily. "What are you doing?"
"Looking at you." I run my fingers down his happy trail. He captures my hand, narrows
his eyes, then smiles a brilliant Luke signature smile, making me blush.
Suddenly he moves on top of me, pressing me into the mattress, his hands on mine, warning me. He strokes my nose with his.
"I think you're up to no good," he accuses but his smile remains.
"I like being up to no good near you."
"You do?" he asks and kisses me lightly on the lips. "Sex or breakfast?" he asks, his eyes dark but full of humor. His erection is digging into me, and I tilt my pelvis up to meet him.
"Good choice," he murmurs against my throat, as he trails kisses down to my breast.

After an hour of love making like and I get up and showered. I am making breakfast, pancakes bacon and sausage, Luke speaks,
"Baby I need to get back to Nashville today, I have to record a few songs and I have some awards ceremonies to attend"
I was upset but He had a job to do,
"That's ok baby I will take you to the airport, what time is your flight?"
"It's at 330 baby" he said as he kissed my forehead,
"Well we better get moving the traffic will be heavy at this time"
We collected his stuff and made our way to the airport. The drive there was silent, I just held Luke's hand treasuring his touch, God knows when we would see one another again, Luke's schedule was hectic and I had work. We arrived at the airport and said out goodbyes
"Baby I swear this will work, I will call you everyday and we can FaceTime" he said with his forehead against mine.
"Ditto" was all I could say with breaking down in tears. I watched Luke leave and I went back to my apartment.

When I entered Lana was clearing up the dishes,
"So I see someone made up"
"Omg Lana he is so good in bed, I never wanted him to leave" I said
"Haha I bet he is, that's what I feel with Carter. I just wish we could be with them all the time. Could you imagine living in Nashville and going on tour with them. It would be awesome. I would drop everything in a heartbeat"
With that Lana's phone rang and with the smile on he face I knew who it was.

Authors note

Hey guys would really like some feedback. ?
Will Lisa eventually be with Luke 24/7

Baby be mine (Luke Bryan Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora