Chapter 24

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Luke's POV

I finished my show is Arizona and made my way straight to the airport with my buddy Carter. Our flight was in an hour so I grabbed a quick taco and waiting to board the flight. I told Lisa not to come to the airport as it was late and I would head straight to her apartment after dropping Carter off at Lana's.
I arrived at Lisa's at quarter to midnight,
"Hi baby, I missed you so damn much, and how is my little peanut"
I said to her stomach. I know he/she is only small but they were still a person.
Lisa replied as she kissed me
"Me too baby like you wouldn't know, and as for peanut, he is making me sick every morning. I have been signed off work for 2 weeks"
"Oh baby well I will be with you for those 2 weeks, I'm not due back in the studio till 3rd November which is just over 2 weeks away"

Lisa's POV

I opened the door and there was Luke, he looked gorgeous, tight jeans and a White tshirt on and his trusty cap. Damn I hit the jackpot with this one. He came in and after a few kisses we headed off to bed. Luke lay his hand gently on my tummy and sang a lullaby for our little peanut as he called it.

The next morning I woke up and as usual straight to the bathroom to be sick. When I came out Luke had a glass of ginger ale and a few saltine crackers for me
"Oh baby that is so sweet I could get used to this. "
"Anything for you darlin'. So what would you like to do today?"
"Well it's an unusually nice day out why don't we go and visit my mom and pop, I think it's time they met you, and don't worry I won't mention peanut just yet, they would go batshit crazy if they knew I was pregnant out of wedlock well at least engaged"
"Well baby, I did a lot of thinking since you told me and I can't see me finding anyone else as beautiful and wonderful as you. "
I was about to say something and Luke stopped me.
"Hush baby, let me finish. Lisa what J am trying to say is I love you with all
Of my heart, and I don't want to spend another minute away from you. Would you do me the absolute honour in becoming my wife?"
I was in absolute shock, I was not expecting this. Luke pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, I must have cost more then I make in a year,

 Luke pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, I must have cost more then I make in a year,

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"Luke I would love to be your wife, I love you so damn much"
I jumped up and threw my arms around him.
"Now we have so much news to tell my mom and pop. What about your mama?"
"Don't worry baby she already knew what I was going to do and about the baby, they are so happy"
I was so happy but on back of my mind the distance was worrying me.

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