Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

Ring ......... Ring........ Ring .......
I had tried to get Lisa for half an hour now, maybe she got held up at the Doctors. I need to go on stage now this is my second last show before I get to see my sweetheart, I have one more small concert in Arizona then that's me and I cannot wait. I came back off stage and looked at my phone and she still hadn't returned my calls. This was weird as she always called me. I rung her number again and this time she answered.
"Finally baby I thought something had happened to you." I heard Sniffing
"Baby what's wrong"
"Oh Luke I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to come right out and say, I would have preferred to have done it face to face but I need to tell you now. I'm pregnant, I am so sorry, I totally understand if you don't want to see me again" I was in utter shock this can't be happening
"Baby I need to go I will call you tomorrow"
With that I hung up the phone and headed straight to to closest bar.

Lisa's POV

I can't believe he didn't even say anything. I know this must be a shock to him but he could have at least said something. I broke down in tears, just as Lana came in,
"Lisa what on earth is wrong"
"I'm pregnant and I just told Luke and he said nothing, he said he needed to go and he would call me tomorrow, I've lost him"
"Oh don't be silly, I will try and call Carter and see what's happening"
Lana called Carter and he said that Luke had stormed out and asked to be left alone. Lana explained the situation and Carter said he would try and track him down.

Luke's POV

I was on my 10th shot of Jack and I had a buzz on. I asked the bar tender for another and a miller Lite when I heard someone say
"I'll get that" it was my best friend Carter
"You ok" I slurred
"Yeah man you?"
"Yeah I will be once I get my head round the fact that I am going to be a father"
Carter put his hand on my shoulder and said
"Luke listen to me, I have never seen you so happy with anyone, yes this may be a little earlier than you expected but you love Lisa and she loves you, not stop being so bloody pig headed and call her, she thinks she has lost you"
My head shot up when he said that'
"No she can't think that, fuck Carter, she means everything to me, pass me your phone I left mine in the bus"
I dialled her number and she finally answered
"Babe please forgive I am so sorry, that was the last thing I was thinking you were going to tell me"
"Luke I thought u were going to leave me, I never meant this to happen"
"Lisa it takes to to tango and in this case make a baby. I love you and I was in shock that was all, we will make this work. I have a show in Arizona tomorrow and then I will come straight up to see you, I have a few ideas as how this will work"
She sounded so happy when she replied
"Baby I love you so much, to the moon and back"

I hung the phone up and after speaking to Luke I felt so happy, I was having Luke Bryan's baby who would have thought.

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