Chapter 19

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Luke's POV

I just arrived at home and placed my bags in the hall and my phone beeped with a txt message. It was from Lisa. Wtf, I have no clue what to do, whatever I said was going to hurt her, I lied about going to see Kelsie, and now the evil bitch is trying to ruin everything I have. I quickly dialled Lisa's number, no answer I tried another 5 times but still nothing. I didn't know what to do so I called Carter for Lanas number.
"Hey Lana its Luke here, I have done something really stupid and it's not what u think"
Lana interrupted him
"What the fuck have you done Luke, I swear if you have hurt Lisa I will have your balls on a platter."
"Lana I never intentionally hurt her. What has happened is a few months ago I hooked up with this girl in Montana and it was a one night thing. You probably heard from Lisa about the comment in my Twitter feed" said Luke
"Yeah she did tell me she was so upset" replied Lana.
"Well I thought that if I seen her face to face and tell her that I am with Lisa then she would back off. So I went via Montana on my way home but I didn't tell Lisa"
"Oh Luke how could you be so stupid"
"I know, well I met her at the airport and and told her that I was in love with Lisa and that nothing would ever happen between us again. She seemed OK with it and we both went our separate ways, however that spiteful bitch sent a pic of me sleeping and made out I was with her and was tired because we had sex to Lisa and now I am unable to talk to her as she is avoiding my calls. Could you please go to her apartment and see if she is ok, I'm getting the next available flight to SeaTac. "
"No problem Luke, you sound as if you are telling the truth so I will go and fight your corner with Lisa. See you soon, oh and Luke remember a direct flight no detours haha"
I got off the phone and booked my flight. It leaves in 3 hours. I need to make this right. And my Lawyers can sort that bitch Kelsie.

Lana's POV

I made my way over to Lisa's and let myself in. I could here sobbing coming from her bedroom. When I opened the door Lisa sat up with tear stained cheeks
"Oh Lisa, it's not what you think, I have spoken to Luke he is so concerned and upset"
"He called you?"
"Yeah because someone wasn't taking his calls. He is on his way here, he is completely distraught."
Lisa showed me the txt Kelsie had sent and I knew straight away that this was an old picture, it showed Luke with full scruff but just before we left he had shaved.
"Lisa have you looked closely at the picture"
"No" Lisa sobbed
"Well I suggest you do"
Lisa looked close and seen the scruff, this was an old picture.
"She lied"
"Well not technically, he did go and see her, but only to tell her to back off as he was head over heels in love with you"

Lisa was relieved, she picked up her phone and called Luke, straight to voicemail, he must be on the flight. Lisa got up and got ready. She would meet him at the airport.

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