Chapter 16

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The following morning Lisa awoke with her head on Luke's chest, she was surprisingly not hungover which was a surprise considering the amount of Jack they drank last night. Luke was sound asleep so she decided to get up a tidy the cabin a little while the guys where sleeping, she would also make them all breakfast. It took a whole hour to tidy up and Lisa started on the breakfast of sausage, bacon, pancakes and eggs. She looked at the clock and it was 10am, Lana would be here in a few hours, which she was so looking forward to, she couldn't wait to tell her Luke had already said the "L" word.
Once breakfast was almost ready Lisa went through to wake up Luke,
"Baby" she whispered in his ear. Luke stirred a little so she started to lightly tickle his feet and she heard him laugh,
"Now that's a sound I would never tire of hearing" Lisa said.
Luke opened his sleepy eyes,
"Hey baby what's up?"
"I have made breakfast, can u waken the guys for me, I don't wanna walk in on something I shouldn't"
Luke laughed,
"No probs sweetheart, I will have everyone ready in 5 mins"

Breakfast went down a treat, everyone seemed to enjoy it. Once
Everyone was finish Luke helped with the clearing up and him and Lisa took a shower.


Sorry for the short chapter, it was more of a filler

Keep reading y'all

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