Meeting them part 2

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Jessica's Pov
"Is it really you?" he asked as he came face to face with me taking his hand and gently putting it under my chin lifting my head up.
"Y-y-yes it's me, Ashton," I said tears threatening to spill. What happened next surprised me I was in the middle of a 5sos group hug.
"I thought you guys still hated me," I told them
"No, we could never hate you we've missed you so much."
"I've missed you guys too," I said smiling from ear to ear.

Dannie & Elizabeth's Pov
While Jessica was catching up with her brother & the band Liam walked over & took us outside away apart from everyone. Dannie rolled her eyes knowing what he's going to say next.
"Is it you?" he asked in disbelief
"Yeah it's us," we said in unison to our brother.
"It's really you," he said crushing us in a hug.
"Yeah," Elizabeth says patting his back until we let go & walked inside.
Alana was leaning up against the wall talking to Louis. Jess was on the couch playing video games & eating popcorn with the guys.
"I'm hungryyy" Niall said dragging out the y.
"Ok let's go get food then go to the park to catch up," Louis said excitedly pulling us out the door to leave. The seating arrangement went Louis driving Harry in the passenger seat Niall, Liam,& Michael,& Zayn in the front Elizabeth, Alana,& Calum in the middle & in the back it was Ashton, Luke, Dannie,& Jess.
We all decided on Nandos because they love it & us girls have never tried it before now.
Once we got out of the van we headed inside to ask for a table.
"How many are with you?" the annoyed worker named Britney asked not even looking up from her fake nails.
"13," Louis said waiting for her to take us to our table clearly annoyed by her attitude. She finally looked up after comprehending what he said grabbing 13 menus before telling us to follow her.

Do you like Britney?  What do you think happens next?

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