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Jessica's Pov
I was sitting down in the silent hotel room staring at the wall thinking about life. Why does life have to be so hard? The thing about life is it makes you feel emotions good or in my case bad. Today I found out that the people we are against is my father & his gang. My own flesh & blood. Hopefully, they don't find us here so we can make a move sooner than later. I'm so done with wondering if I ever was good enough. I'm done with feeling like this. The thing with pain is it demands to be felt but I'm not going to let it get to me anymore. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice that Ashton was in the room with me until he wiped a tear from my cheek. I must have been crying ugh! I'm a spy I can't let my emotions control me because the enemy can & will use it against you.
"Hey, J what's wrong love?" My brother asked hugging me until I simmered down.
"Oh, nothing just thinking about life & how it sucks," I told him honestly.
"Why does it suck?" He asked me, oh crap we haven't told him about dad dang it. I was just about to tell him when the girls burst through the door.
"Hey girls," I said.
"Hey, we need to talk," they said looking at me & my brother.
"Okay, I'm listening," I said getting up to get a bottle of water.
"Alone" they added looking over at Ashton.
"I'm going," he said raising his hands up as to surrender.
"Okay spill," I said after he left the room.
"You know how your father is who we're up against?" They asked as if I didn't know.
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked already not liking where this is going.
"Well to research everything about him we need his name," they told me.
"Adam Finn Irwin," I told them looking down at my feet.
"I'm sorry but we needed his name or we wouldn't get any closer to the case," Alana told me.
"Yeah I know it's just been a long day," I told them walking to the door so I could go to my room.
"Why don't you go take a nap you probably need it & we'll wake you up later on" Liz suggested.
"Yeah, that sounds nice," I said liking the idea.
Once I got to my room I put my hair up in a bun & changed into yoga pants with a tank top then fell asleep for an hour or two until the door opened.
"Hey, Jess it's time to get up" I heard Dannie say.
"Okay did you find anything," I asked just wanting to get this over with.
"Yes, we found out that he worked in multiple gangs but they would all fail until the "Dark Snakes" which he apparently works in an abandoned warehouse & he's looking for new workers to do his dirty work," she told me.
"Anything else like why he needs Ashton maybe?" I whispered so no one would hear.
"Nope, there's nothing on that as far as we know he could want you too," she told me.
"How long did it take you to find this information?" I asked after a minute.
"Honestly I have no clue how long it took but we are gonna take him down," she said.
"Okay let's get back to work," I said once I was in the room with the girls.
"Well if I can find out the way their system works I could 'buzz buzz buzz' my watch caught of Liz.
"Yes, boss?" I asked into my watch showing Nicki on the other end.
"Hello, girls I just wanted to know how the mission was going?" She asked.
"Well, we found out who it is, who he wants & the name of the gang," I told her.
"Hmm I see & who is it?" She asked us. "It's Jessica's father," Dannie told her.
"Oh I'm so sorry dear I had no idea but what does he want with two bands?" She asked.
"They only want one of them not all," I told her.
"Well, who is it?" She asked clearly wanting to know more.
"It's Ashton Irwin the drummer of 5sos," I told her.
"And is their a reason why or does he just want the money?" She asked clearly not putting the pieces together.
"Yes, he's his son but that's all we know about why he wants him," I told her when I heard a glass fall behind me onto the floor making the girls & me turn around. Right behind me, I saw my brother the way no one would ever want to see their sibling(s). He had tears rolling down his eyes & red cheeks with his mouth wide open.

Honestly used the first name that popped into my mind & I hope you liked it. How do you think Ashton will react & how would you react?

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