Telling them

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Jessica's Pov
I woke up at 8:30 in the morning to cook for everyone. It was hard getting out of Luke's arms without waking him but I managed. I started cooking eggs, bacon & biscuits with gravy. I heard the bacon sizzle I looked over at the clock & it read 9:15. I heard everyone making their way to the kitchen. "Good morning everyone," I said happily. "Mmm," I heard everyone say. "You should cook more often" I heard the guys tell me. I smiled politely. "I just might do that" I replied. "A girl that can cook & that's hot? That's a bonus man" I heard Harry say. I just smiled at him & got myself some food. I looked around & saw Luke wasn't here. That's weird I thought. "Hey, where's Luke?" I asked No one in particular. "He went to the bathroom I think," Louis said getting another serving. "Oh, okay," I said unsurely. I'll just tell them what happened when everyone's around.

Luke's Pov
Why would he do that! He knows I like her. Ever since I've known her I've liked her. There's nothing not to like about her. She's beautiful, loving, kind & overall just a great person. I have to make a move before he does I need her in my life. She makes me happier than anyone else could. I can't & won't lose her especially to him. I went back into the kitchen & saw him still flirting with her. She didn't notice gosh she's so oblivious. I felt my blood boil "Hey, Harry can we talk?" I asked trying to keep calm. He got up & said "Sure man" he followed me into my room. "What was that?" I asked him loosing my cool. "What was what?" He asked smirking knowing full well about why I called him in here. "Are you Jealous?" He asked leaving me speechless. Is it really that noticeable? I kept quiet my cheeks heating up. "You are aren't you," he asked yet again. "Yes, I am & you knew I liked her why would you do that?" I yelled at him getting frustrated. "Because I wanted to see what you would do idiot, it's easy to see you both like each other," he said calmly. "Really? No, she doesn't like me it's impossible. She would never like someone like me I'm nothing but she's everything" I said bringing myself down. "Dude she likes you, you better make a move before someone else does," he said then walked out the room. I'm going to do it tomorrow I need to plan it out. I walked back into the kitchen I sat down & started eating again. Ashton, Louis, Niall, Zayn, & Liam was sitting on the couch watching football (Soccer) everyone else was in the kitchen or in their room. I sat there thinking about how I'm going to ask her & where I'll take her, she deserves the best.

Jessica's Pov
I just got done telling Dannie about Bradley & what I'm planning on doing. "Are you sure you want to do this? He does deserve it but do you think you can without getting attached?" She asked me. I thought for a minute "Honestly I don't know" I said frustrated with myself. Why can't I do a simple thing I thought. "Don't let it bring you down, let's just focus on one thing at a time" she requested more like demanded. "Okay but when are we telling everyone about what happened? " I asked curiously. "Right now" she said going to get everyone in one room. After I explained everything that happened yesterday we were discussing what to do about it. "I think we should leave the Bradley situation alone & try to find out what your father is planning" Elizabeth said. "Will do" I said saluting. Everyone laughed then Dannie & I went out to look for my father or at least any clues pointing to the crime. It's been an hour & we finally found him. He was inside a cafe yelling at two people. It was the same cafe I met Bradley at oh gosh. "D we're going to need a disguise" I told her. "Why?" she asked clueless. "He's in there with Bradley & Trevor" "What?!" She said aggravated. We started driving up the street so they couldn't see us & parked in front of a costume store. We got our disguises & walked over to the cafe. They were still yelling when we walked in. I was disguised as a dude & Dannie wore a wig & used a fake but realistic face. Let's get our acting on. "What up man? Can I buy a latte for my girlfriend & a brownie for me? I asked him in my manly voice. "Sure, what kind would she like?" He asked kindly. "A pumpkin spice latte would be fine, right baby? I asked Dannie. "Yeah that's fine, babe" she replied. "That'd be $10.00 & what name would you like it under?" He asked. "Stephanie" I replied. "Okay take a seat if you want, it'll be ready in a flash" he said with a smile. "Okay, thank you" we sat down a little further from where Trevor & my father were. We put our earpieces in so we could hear what they were saying. When I had gave him the money I hooked the mic on to his sleeve. After a few minutes I saw Trevor get up & go to the bathroom. "I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" I said to Dannie. "Okay, be safe" she replied back. I walked into the bathroom & "started using it" I walked out after I flushed. I saw him by the sink washing his hands. Time to put on a show. "Hey Trevor how have you been? I said acting like his old high school buddy Jake. "Sorry dude but do I know you?" He asked confusion laced in his voice. "Yeah dude we were best buds in high school" I said playing it cool. "Oh yeah how's life Jake?" He asked. "It's going" I responded he nodded his head. "It was nice talking to you bud" he said giving me a bro hug I slipped the other mic on him. "You too bud" I said then walked out. Dannie already got our things. "Two out of three have been bugged not bad" I said to Dannie in the car. "Great" she said with a smile. Then we drove off to tell everyone about our encounter.

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