He's back....

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Jessica's Pov
"Trevor, what are you doing here?"I asked outraged. "You're supposed to be dead " I continued.
"Well I'm not babe, you can't get rid of me that easily," he said smirking. How dare he call me that I started getting angrier,  I should have known I thought to my self. "Once again what in the name of Cheese Jerky are you doing here & don't flipping call me babe" I yelled at him.
"But babe" he started to say before I smacked him. "Get the heck away from me! I don't love you just stop!" I yelled getting even more frustrated. 
You're probably confused on what's happening right now right? Well, I'll tell you.

*Flashback *
It all started on a snowy winter night. I was walking back to our apartment after learning about a new mission we go on two weeks from now.  My car was in the shop until tomorrow getting fixed. I started humming along to a song I wrote when I saw a guy getting beaten up. He was beaten up pretty bad as I looked at him he smiled.  "Thank you for saving me" he had told me "You're welcome & be careful around here," I said with a smile helping him up off the ground. 

A few years later
I need to leave here. I don't like it here he abuses me mentally. I can't take it anymore I thought going outside of my room. We've been dating for almost 2 years it's never been like this I started silently crying. I watched him walk into his truck & drive away. 2 hours later & he's still not back. I was listening to music & cleaning the house the way he liked when someone knocked on the door.  "Coming" I yelled out. I opened the door & saw two police officers I welcomed them in. "Would you two like anything to drink sir?" I asked politely.  He looked at his partner & said "No thank you ma'am"  I nodded my head then sat down. "We need to tell you something important & you won't like it," he said with a straight face. Now I'm worrying. "What happened, sir?" I asked frantically but trying to be calm & polite.
"Do you by chance know a Trevor  Smithson?" He asked getting straight to the point making me worry even more. "Yes he's my boyfriend," I said answering the question. "Well he's  dead he got shot by a guy named Joe Wilson," He said informing me.

Current Time
"About that, it's kinda funny actually" he tried to tell me "I faked my death" I looked at him in shock I couldn't do this. Not right now ugh. How could he do that to everyone? "Why would you do that & then come & ruin my life again" I was getting furious with him & just life in general.
"I came here to say I'm sorry," he said looking at his feet. "Sure, you are Trevor & I'm a fish," I said sarcasm dripping off my tongue. After I said everything I wanted to say to him at that moment he left.  I was about to walk in the door once again when I got stopped by Michael opening the door.  "Hey Jess I was just about to go look for you, your brother has been worried," he told me honestly.  I smiled up at him & said "Thank you" he smiled back & said "No problem" "Hey who was that guy you were talking to earlier?" He asked curiously.  Oh crap, he knows should I say who he was or not? It's a hard decision.  "What guy?" I decided to go with. "The person who you were just talking to," he said. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said & then went into Dannie's room. I can trust her with anything & everything.  "Hey, Jess so you're back? " I nodded my head she could sense something was off with me. "Jess, what's wrong?" I heard Dannie ask me. I told her everything that happened on my trip not leaving out anything. "You're in a tough pickle," she said after I explained. I sighed & laid on her bed "Dannie you don't think I know this already?" I asked irritated about this whole situation.  "Sorry but try taking a nap you need it" she told me. "But my shift?" I yawned. "I'll take care of it" she assured me. Gosh, I love my best friends was the last thing I thought about before having sleep engulf me in a much-needed nap.

I was walking around & couldn't get back to where I was. I looked up ahead & saw a figure in front of me. I kept walking & once I saw who it was I tried to run away but the ground was disappearing beneath me. "You can't run away forever Jessica you have to face it sooner or later," he said trying to lure me into his trap. Not going to work I thought. "Never leave me alone I never want to see you again father" I yelled & then slipped away. 

I woke up in a bunch of sweat at midnight. I got up to get me some milk when I heard a glass breaking in the kitchen. I snuck in there & saw Luke on the ground cleaning up the pieces. "Hey, Lukey do you need any help?" I asked kindly. He smiled when he looked up & said "Sure Jessaboo" I felt my heart flutter truth is I've liked Luke ever since I could remember. I went over to get the dustpan & helped him. "What were you doing out here you should be asleep?" I asked he looked at me then sighed. Way to go, Jessica, I said to myself. "I couldn't sleep so I came in here for some milk," he said. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked," I said to him standing up to throw away the glass.
"Jess it's okay it really wasn't anything you were just being caring it's alright," he said convincing me. "Okay," I said & laughed which made him smile. "Why were you up?" He asked the question I was dreading to answer. "Um I had a nightmare," I said uncomfortably.  "Would you like to stay up with me & watch movies together?" he asked. I nodded my head & went to sit on the couch after getting my milk. After a few movies, I finally fell asleep again cuddled up to Luke.

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