How's Ashton?

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Jessica's Pov
Seeing my big brother like that broke me. When I turned around he ran out of the room me following behind. 
"Ashton slow down & talk to me," I told him. He didn't answer until a full minute passed him slowing to a stop.
"How long have you known?" He asked getting to it.
"I just found out this morning," I said being completely honest. 
"I have one last question why didn't you tell me this?" He asked with dry tears on his face just to have new ones form.
"I just found out this morning I would've told you but I didn't know how to" I tried explaining.
"No, this is all too much," he said & slid down the wall.
"Welcome to my life big bro," I said sliding down next to the fragile guy next to me.
"No offense but your life sucks," he told me looking my way.
"None taken" I said hugging him to which he returned. 

Alana's Pov
"What are we going to do now that Ashton found out?" I asked the two girls.
"I don't know but I still think it's safer this way," Dannie said.
"How would it be safer this way?" I asked clearly confused.
"So he knows that his dad is behind this & wouldn't try to make up with him... hopefully" she explained her reasoning.
"Now what to do with Jess since it's her father too," Liz asked knowing that she won't give up & will take this mission head-on.
"We let her but not by herself," Dannie said calmly to which we agreed. 
"Hey, should we have a meeting since we know who is behind this now?" Jess asked coming into the room with Ashton trailing behind. 
"Sure, someone call Paul & get the lads" I instructed getting down to business. 
"Ashton & Jess you guys don't have to be in the meeting since you already know," I told them the girls agreeing with me.
"No, I'm coming I'm a part of this too," Jess told us.
"What about you, Ashton are you going to be at the meeting?" Elizabeth asked him.
"I, I, I can't I can't do this" he stuttered out "I'm going to go to bed, goodnight." He said & left the living room. 
"Well, I'm going to go get the lads & check on Ash" Jessica informed us.
"Okay, I hope Ashton's okay right now I would hate to be in his position," I told them being honest.

Jessica's Pov
I went to go get the boys & to check on my brother.  I really hope my brother is okay he doesn't deserve anything like this he deserves better. Since everyone is chilling in our hotel room I just had to get everyone in the living room. 
*Knock knock* "Who is it?" He asked. "It's your sister" I informed him. "Come in & shut the door behind you" he ordered me. After shutting the door I made my way over to his bed. "How are you?" I asked
"I feel betrayed, hurt,& confused," he told me with his head hung low.
"Ash it's not your fault it's our maniac fathers fault," I told him being truthful.
"I know it's not my fault but it sure does feel that way," he told me staring into space. 
"I know how you feel brother I've felt that way for as long as I could remember," I told him honestly.
"I'm glad you came back I've missed you so much," he told me about to cry again but with happy tears.
"Shh don't cry I'm here & I'll always be here, I love you, big brother," I said hugging him back.
After our hug, I stood up & told him to get some sleep while I go get the boys. I walked down the stairs to get Calum to see the rest of the boys in the game room.
"Guys we are having a meeting in the living room in a few minutes move your butts & go downstairs" I ordered. While they walked into the living room I checked to see if Ashton was asleep. I walked into his room & saw that he was indeed asleep so I left him there to continue my journey. I walked into the room & sat down on the couch. The TV was already turned off & everyone was here excluding Ash.
"Now that everyone's here the meeting is in session," Alana told us instantly everything was silent.
"Where's Ashton?" I heard Michael ask Calum.
"I have no clue," Calum told Michael.
"What's this meeting about anyway?" asked Michael.
"You do want to know who is doing this correct?" I asked.
"Yes, we do want to know," Calum said "Well that's what it's about we know who's behind this," I told them.
"Really, who is it?" Luke asked jumping up & down like a kid on Christmas.
"It's Ashton & Jessica's dad," Elizabeth told them for me.
It was total silence letting the news sink in until Luke broke it, he looks like someone blew a fuse in him.
"What are we going to do? He needs to be stopped & for good" he said clenching his fist tightly.
"We know & we think we have a way to get him," Dannie said calmly. 

What do you think that was about? What's wrong with Luke? What do you think so far?

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