Bad timing?

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Dannie's Pov
I was chatting with Jess when there was a knock on the door.  Jess went to open the door to find Luke looking nervous. "Hey Dannie do you mind if I borrow Jess from you," he said. "Go ahead I was just walking out," I said smirking.  I went to find my brother in Luke's room with the lads. "Hey is Luke finally going to ask her out?" I said excitedly.  They nodded & went back to playing the X box.  "Boys" I muttered under my breath leaving the room for a drink. 

Luke's Pov
I'm finally going to do this.  It's now or never I said to myself. "Hey, Lukey what's up?" She asked going over to her dresser. "I wanted to talk to you," I said rubbing my neck nervously. "Okay," she said looking back at me. "I wanted to know if you wanted to um go on a date with me?" I asked. "Sure," she said happily.  I couldn't keep the wide smile off my face. "Great, dress casual & I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6? I asked unsurely. "That's fine, Luke you need to calm down," she said still smiling.  I smiled at her, she's just so perfect. "J we need you in here it's important!" I heard Dannie say. "Well I guess I have to go," she said leaving after giving me a kiss on the cheek. I felt my heart flutter.

Jessica's Pov
I walked into the kitchen & found the girls. "What's wrong?" I asked worried.  "Dark Snakes" they are ganging up on us they know where we are," Elizabeth told me. "How did they find out?" I asked pacing the room.  Over my dead body will I let them get the lads. "Calm down J" Dannie said hugging me. "We just found out, I saw them in the lobby when I was coming up here" Alana said. "Didn't you say Trevor was working with them?" Dannie asked me. "Yeah, I did" I said. "Hold on who's Trevor?" asked Alana.  "Jessica's ex" Elizabeth said for me.  "Oh gosh he followed me to the door remember?" I said to the girls. "You think Trevor told them?" Alana asked slowly. "There's no doubt about it" I said. We were trying to come up with a plan when we heard a knock on the door.  I went over to check through the peephole. It's Bradley? "D come here" I whispered.  "Yes" she said looking at me. "Bradley is here, he's at the door" I told her. "Answer & we will hide & look up a different hotel" she said grabbing everyone.  I answered the door just when he was about to knock again. "Oh, hey Bradley" I said stepping outside. "Hey" he said with a flirtatious smile almost making me roll my eyes. "Well did you need something & how'd you know where I was?" I asked. "Oh yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go out today?" He asked me dodging the other question. "I'll have to check if I'm free" I said with no emotion. "Great, text me later" he said leaving.  "How about no" I muttered under my breath going into the room. "I'm guessing he's gone now?" Alana asked.  I nodded not wanting to speak. "Are you going to do it?" Elizabeth asked. " I don't think she should" Ashton stepped in making everyone argue. "I just want to find our "father" & put him behind bars where he should be" I said aggravated leaving to find clues.  When I was about to get my computer on my bed there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door & opened it seeing Luke. "Oh hey" I said confused to why he followed me. "Hey, I just wanted to see if you were okay" he told me making my heart flutter. "I'm fine" I said going to sit down.  "Jess, you will not go down that road again, I won't let you" he said hugging me. "It's just life is stressful & especially my job, if it wasn't for the girls I don't know if I would even be here" I told him honestly. "We're here for you & we always will be" he replied kissing my head. I looked up & saw him staring at me. "Thank you Lukey" I said seriously. "You're welcome Jessaboo & I meant every word" he said still hugging me making me smile.  "Wanna help find clues " I asked . "Sure" he said opening the laptop. We spent the rest of the day looking for things useful to this mission. "Hey, want to take a break?" I asked him. "That'd be great" he said getting up stretching. We went into the living room & got us some snacks. My phone ringed it was a phone call.  I swear if it's Bradley or Trevor I'm gonna go insane.

Phone call
Unknown ♢Jess

Hey Sweetheart. How are you & your brother? 
I dropped my phone & froze. Why would he do that? "I need air" was the last thing I said before I passed out.

Luke's Pov
"Jess are you okay?" I asked hearing a thump. I looked over & saw her passed out. Oh crap, she hit her head. "Ashton! Come here & bring the car keys" I yelled.  "I'm coming, what happened?" He yelled back.  "Your sister was on the phone when she passed out" I explained fast. "You get her & start the car I'll get everyone," he said rushing. We got into the car & drove to the hospital.  Ashton already told them what happened. Gosh, I hope she's okay.

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