Skating Rink Fight?

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Alana's Pov 

I looked over to my left & saw Jessica smirking.  She looked at me & said, "Let's kick some butt!"  I smiled & said, "Let's do this" putting my game face on.  "Awe they think they can beat our butts," some guy with long black hair said laughing to his buddy. "Oh I know, newsflash sunshine you're not going to win" They really shouldn't have said that, Jess & Dannie are getting furious.  Oh well, they asked for it I thought when I saw Jess walk over to him with a devilish smirk & punched the living daylights out of him.  His buddy went to go punch Jess but Dannie shot him before he could. After about an hour the only people left in the room was us, girls until we heard the door open. I had to do a double take when I saw who it was. He finally decides to show up! I looked over at Jess & saw she couldn't believe it either.  He walked over to us & said "Nice job girls, sad to say you'll still die though" he said cockily eyeing us until he got to Jessica. "Oh, how lovely it is to see you, sweetheart," he said going over to her. "Well, it's not lovely to see you "father" why are you even here?" she spit out with hatred making him laugh.  "I think we all know why I'm here, where are the boys?" he asked.  "What makes you think they're with us," Elizabeth asked not backing down.  "You really think I'm that stupid little girl?" he said getting in her face angry.  Anger problems much?  

Jessica's Pov 

Watching him get angry with my friends brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid. Memories I didn't want to remember at all but you can't get everything you want. You might wonder what kind of memories I'm talking about so I'll tell you. 


I was 6 playing with my dolls in the living room when I heard yelling upstairs. I went to go check it out.  While I was walking I tripped & there went my dad's favorite baseball from back in his time.  Glass shattering making the yelling stop. I didn't get away in time he started yelling at me calling me mean names. He would never hit me but the mental/emotional abuse was horrible.  This is only one of the memories they continued to get worse.  He would always tell me I'm doing everything wrong, I'm worthless, I can't do anything right & many more cruel things.  

 Current time 

I don't know what came over me but when I came back to reality I heard a blood-curdling scream & red liquid on the ground. I looked where the blood came from & saw my father on the ground with a bullet through him, blood seeping out of his stomach. I shot him I actually shot him.  I walked over to him, bent down & said: "Who are you working for?" "Like I'd tell you" he spit out at me venom dripping off his tongue. "Awe, father why so much hatred huh?" I asked sickly sweet. "I never liked you, you do nothing right at all!" he started coughing out blood. "You're just a screw-up! Come on pull the trigger I dare you! He yelled laughing at the thought of me. I couldn't hear any more of this I pulled the trigger. "Are you okay J?" Dannie asked concerned.  "I will be," I said but I could tell everyone was unsure even I was. "Well, we just have to find the actual boss," Elizabeth said. We left going to the hotel everyone went to sleep. I  grabbed my jacket since it was starting to get chilly & went out to the balcony to think. Will I ever be okay again? Am I even worth it? My father is right I'm a screw-up. It was about 2:00 in the morning when I heard the door open. "I thought you'd be here,"  Luke said. "Surprise," I said trying to smile.  "Jess, cut the crap what happened?" he asked putting a blanket around us.  How can I tell him he won't like me anymore, nobody would. "Come on Jessaboo you can tell me," he said reassuring me. "I can't you'll hate me," I said bawling my eyes out. "You don't have to tell me but just know that I could never hate you," he said hugging me until I calmed down. After a while of laying down, I finally utter the words I never thought I'd say. "I killed my father" I know he heard me everything was silent. I knew it he hates me. 

What do you think? Does Luke hate her now? When will they find the actual boss or will they? 

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