Chapter 2:

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"Please come with me." Blake begged. He was going to the store an hour away and he wanted me to tag alone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you just can't stay here and plus after we can go see your parents since it'll be 5 minutes away." He informed me.

I probably should go. I haven't gone to see my parents since the last time which was when I went with dick face.

"Okay, but just let me go change." I said. I walked to my room and put on some black leggings and a loose hoodie. I grabbed my white pair of Vans and walked downstairs with them in my hand.

"Blake." I cooed.

"What do you need?" He asked. He knows me too well. I showed him my shoes and he nodded understanding.

When he was finished, he grabbed his car keys and we were on our way.


"Ugh Blake I don't even know why I agreed to come with you." I groaned.

"You agreed because you love me." I rolled my eyes and rubbed my belly.

That became a habit of mine.

"Okay we're here." Blake said and turned off the car.

I unbuckled my belt and got out the car. Once I did I stretched, I can't stand sitting down in one place for too long.

"I need to buy all of this, so ca-" before he could finish the sentence I ran off and started grabbing food for myself.

I grabbed pickles, cookies, ice cream, and the most important one strawberries. I went back to Blake and put all of my food in the buggy.

"Woah, my little niece or nephew really likes to eat." He commented.

"Nope. It's just me." I replied back. He shook his head and laughed at me.


Boom! Another chapter done. Hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget to tell your mother Happy Mother's Day! ☺️

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