Chapter 26:

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"I'm so exhausted." Liz spoke. I turned to look at her a have her a small smile.

"Rest, I'll be here to take care of him." I told her. She nodded her head a gave Xavier a kiss on the head.

We decided to name him Xavier Jure White. Liz loves the name Xavier and since we couldn't come up with a good middle name we just kept mine.

I looked down at Xavier and smiled. His little hand had a hold of my finger. I couldn't be any happier.


"Where's my grand baby." My mom walked into the room with balloons and a stuffed bear.

"Right here." Liz spoke up. She was breastfeeding him at the moment.

"He's so adorable." A smile made its way onto my moms face.

"When can y'all go home?" She asked.

"Well the doctor told us if there were not complications tomorrow morning we can leave." I said.

She nodded her head. There was a knock on the door and a few seconds later a nurse walked in with a gift bag.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but this was dropped of at the front desk and told to be delivered to this room." She handed me the bad and I grabbed it cautiously.

I had a feeling this was from the "S" person.
I opened the bag and it revealed a set of baby's clothes and a letter.

I can't wait to have our baby in our arms. The way it's going to feel to be together as a family, just you, our baby, and I no one else. You'll forget all about that bitch Elizabeth when your with me, oh and tell my baby Xavier mommy will soon be with him.


I read the card over and over again trying to understand what it was saying. Was this "S" person trying to kidnap Xavier?

I looked at Liz and my mom and they both were giving me worried looks.

I suddenly felt a burst of anger in me and walked out of the room. I had to get to the bottom of this and fast.

I Need YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ