Chapter 30:

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I was woken up by yelling and crying. Angry yelling and sad crying.

"Omg! Why won't you just shut up? I changed your diaper and I fed you so, shut up!" I turned around to see Samantha yelling at Xavier. This made my insides boil.

"Just give him to me." I called out. She turned around and glared at me.

She walked over to me and squat so we were eye to eye. "Don't try anything stupid." She motioned for one of the men to untie my arms and when they did she gave me Xavier.

It looked like he'd been crying for a while now. I bit my lip to stop me from saying something. I brought him close to my chest and rocked him humming a soft tune.

I smiled when he stopped crying and his eyes began to droop. I was enjoying the moment until she snatched him away from me.

"No! Please let me hold for a while longer! Please!" I cried. I just wanted to hold him.

"He has to get used to me now." She smirked at me and turned around.

"Tie her up." I swear when I'm free she better watch her back.


This can't be fucking happening. I should of stayed at home with her. This is all my fault everything is my fault.

I bring misery in her life. If I just would of left her alone none of this would have happened. She wouldn't be kidnapped, her nor my son.

I was just selfish. I wanted her. I needed her. But I'll just have to let her go and be happy, even if it'll hurt me.

My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I looked down at it and finally decided to answer it.

"What?" I snapped.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that, epically since I have your son - well our son - in my arms." I froze.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Well I'm the one you've been looking for and well you stuck at it and you should know the answer to your last question. You."

"Let Elizabeth and my son go." I clenched my jaw.

"No can do. I'd like to have some fun of my own with Liz and probably my boys would to." She let out a sinister laugh before hanging up the phone.

I grabbed the vase next to me and threw it on the ground.

My phone chimed, I looked over to see a message.

Let's switch up the game. How about you come and help me have some fun. Come alone or I will kill both of them. *random address* -xoxo

I didn't waste no time and grabbed my car keys. This person will wish she never messed with us.

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