Chapter 4:

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Kalin White

I can't believe it's actually her. I cupped her cheek and rubbed my thumb over it. She pulled away seconds later, I frowned at her action, but didn't let it show.

"You look the-" I paused and looked at her. I noticed she had a bump on her stomach.

"Your pregnant."

"Your pregnant?" I asked to get it confirmed. She just simply nodded.

"Is it mine?" I was hopeful of her saying yes. I would be able to be with her again.

"No." My heart shredded to pieces. She was with someone else. She walked behind me and grabbed this guys hand.

"It's his baby." She stated. How I wished that was me and that she would be carrying my baby.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I always come and bring your parents flowers." I replied. She shook her head and walked away.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

I placed the flowers in the vase like the usual.

"I know every time I come here I tell both of y'all how sorry I am for hurting your daughter, but if I could just go back in time I would have changed how things happened, but it's too late now. She found someone else that I hope is making her happy and she's also expecting. I just wish that was me with her and my baby. I'm such an idiot." I admitted.

I just need her.


I walked in her room with a bottle of alcohol. I laid down on her bed and took a swig from my bottle.

Everything is exactly the same. There's still the picture she ripped up of us two. Her closet is empty so are her drawers.

I looked on the floor and seen what it looked like a picture. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of me and her, we were kissing. I took a deep breath before throwing the glass bottle to the wall.

I just can't. I really need her.

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