Chapter 3:

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Which flowers look better? There's the roses, white daisies, and yellow tulips.

Freak it. I'll jut get all three of them.

I payed for the flowers and walked to the car where Blake was already waiting for me. I hopped in and buckled my seat belt.

"Ready?" I took a deep breath.

"Ready." I replied.


"Do you want me to go with you?" Blake asked me. I shook my head no.

"I need to do this alone." I got out the car and walked to my parents tumb stone. I noticed there were some flowers there but they didn't look new nor old. I put my flowers in the vase I brought with me and sat them neatly on the side.

"Hey mom, hey dad. Sorry I haven't been visiting like I said I was its just so many things happened and I need to get my life back on track. As you may see, I'm bigger in size because I'm pregnant. I just wished you guys were here with me." I told them.

I- it's just so hard without them. I miss hearing their laughs, the way they scolded me when I was doing something bad.

I sat in the grass and started playing with it. Pulling it out and ripping it apart. I know I shouldn't do this but I just want to say here for a little longer even though I don't nothing else to say.

"Elizabeth?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I immediately tense up and stand up with my back to the person.

"Please, turn around." He begged. I just stood still not knowing what to do. I didn't even notice that he walked closer to me until he touched my wrist and turned me around.

He cupped my cheek and ran his thumb over it.
"I've missed you so much." Lies.

I moved away from him and scoffed.

"You look the-" he paused and took a good look at me.

"Your pregnant." He said almost as if he was telling that to himself.

"Your pregnant?" He asked and I just nodded my head.

"Is it mine?" He questioned. Like you'd care if it was yours. You'd just cheat on me if I go running back into your arms.

"No." I replied. I looked behind him to see Blake standing behind him.

"It's his baby." I motioned to Blake and grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing here?" My turn to ask the questions.

"I always come and bring your parents flowers." I tried to see if he was lying but I couldn't. I shook my head and walked away.

In the distance I heard a faint, "I'm sorry."

Just great. He was exactly the person I wanted to see.


So they meet again. How would you react if you were Elizabeth?

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