Chapter 32:

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It literally felt as if I'm going in circles, which I probably am.

Please be in this room. Please be in this room.

I opened the room and he was in there, but not alone. He was with the other man. I aimed my gun at him while he did the same.

"You think I'm scared? I know you will never uses it." He laughed.

I glared and him and then shot him in the leg.
"Really? Do you still think that?" Now it was my turn to laugh.

He dropped his gun and gripped his leg. I immediately grabbed his gun and Xavier, who was in a crib.

I ran out the room. All I have to do now is find a way out.

"Thought you could escape that fast?" I turned around to come face with Samantha and - Kalin?

"Let them go." Kalin spoke. Samantha didn't look to fond of the idea.

"No I can't let her leave out alive." Everything happened to quickly.

Samantha had her gun pointed at me, Kalin has his gun pointed at her, a guy came out of no where and had a gun pointed at Kalin, and lastly I had a gun pointed at the man.

Never had I thought I was going to have Xavier in my arms and pointing a gun at a random man.

"Wonder who'll shoot first?" Samantha laughed.

"Samantha put the gun down." Kalin spoke.

"Why? So you can leave with her?" She asked.

"No. So we can finally be alone, just me and you. Forever, just how you want it." She then smiled and turned towards him.

"I knew you'd come through." She then grabbed his neck and kissed him.

I turned my head. It hurt to see him kiss someone else.

"Now get rid of her."

"My pleasure."


He then pointed his gun towards me.

Was this just a game? Was he always on her side or he's just trying to buy time?

"Why?" I asked.

"I never really liked you Elizabeth. I thought you would have figured that out by now?" He smirked.

His words really hurt.

"Now time to get rid of you."

After that was said three shots were fired.

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