Chapter 29:

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I didn't think being a mom was going to be this hard. This was my third time changing Xavier's clothes. He is one messy little boy.

I grabbed all the dirty clothes and walked downstairs to the laundry room. I made sure to bring a baby monitor down with me also.

I loaded the dirty clothes in the washer and put in the detergent and closed the lid. I then moved to the drier and placed all of that clothes into a bin so I can fold it when I get a chance.

Soon the baby monitor went off and I walked upstairs. I walked in to the room to see someone standing in front of Xavier's crib.

I was immediately alarmed. "Who are you?"

The person then turned around to reveal a man that had a sinister smile plastered on his face.
He looked really intimidating but I wasn't going to let it show.

"Names Bob." He simply said.

He doesn't look like a Bob- but that's not the point.

"I need you to leave now!" I yelled.

His smirk grew bigger and he took a step towards me. "No can do, see I was sent here for a job and I'm here to complete it. So I'm going to you and your son."

"You would not touch my son." I growled.

"Watch me." I tried to make a move but realized I was being held back. I turned around to be met with another buff looking man.

"Let me go you son of a bitch." I kicked and thrusted around.

"My mom was a bitch but it's not nice to insult people." Both of them men laughed with I just glared at them.

Soon a cloth was placed over my mouth and I became unconscious.



I was soaking wet. I opened my eyes and glared at the man that threw water at me.

"Boss lady wants to speak to you." He stated.

I looked around and took in my surroundings. This pretty much looked like and old ware house.

"Where's my baby?" I asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little ass of yours, he's fine."

Footsteps were then heard. I looked around and seen a shadow in one corner. It was getting closer in closer. It stepped out into the light to reveal a young woman carrying my baby. She looked so familiar, I just couldn't figure it out.

And then it clicked, "Samantha?"

"Good to see you Elizabeth." She smiled.

"Why are you doing this? You're supposed to be my friend, I never did anything to you." I hissed.

"Well you did take Kalin from me. He was the only guy I liked and you just had to get involved with him."

"You never mentioned it, and I didn't have a fucking choice!" I wanted to beat the shit out of her.

"I never mentioned him because he was mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. I would of had him but you had to ruin it. You had to get pregnant but that's totally fine because we will live happily together after I get rid of you. We will have our happily ever after." She looked off to the distance and smiled. It literally looked like she was crazy.

"You fucking bitch!" I spat.

"You might want to be careful on the way you're talking to me if you hadn't noticed I am holding your son. Wouldn't want anything bad happening to him, now do we?" I nodded my head no as tears threatened to come out.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched her retreating figure go into the shadows. I didn't stop the tears, I couldn't, not anymore.

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