Chapter 14:

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"Your total is $265.13." The worker informed me.

I swiped my card and payed for the baby's crib. Yeah, I know she told me not to buy anything but just in case.

I'll set this one up and my place and then if she decides not to move in with me I'll buy her the crib for the baby.

The man helped me load it up in my car. When we were finished I thanked him and got in the car.

I grabbed my phone and called Myles.

"Hello." He spoke.

"Hey Myles, I was wondering if you can come and help me set up the baby's crib?" I asked.

"Yea, that's fine. I'll make my way over there now."


I turned the car on and drove home. I unload the crib the best I could and grabbed the equipment I needed.

I stopped when I heard a knock on the door. I opened to door to see Myles and Jake.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." They both said in unison.

We grabbed the boxes and carried them upstairs.

"Are you ready to be a dad?" Myles asked.

"I really don't know. I don't know what to do, I'm just scared I'll let my child down." I said honestly.

"Look you'll do great man. You helped your mom raise Lala and you did a good job." Jake told me.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to be an uncle." Myles laughed.

We all joked around to make things better and not be serious.

It took a good four hours to finally complete building the crib and what not. We were almost done with it until Jake pointed out that there was still 2 pieces left over.

We stood back and observed it and noticed it was lopsided. We had to take it all apart and start over. The main thing is that at least we had fun and joked around.

These are the memories I want to last forever.

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