Seventy One

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I crept into the house that night, trying to avoid any encounters. I hoped everyone was asleep.

But, of course, hoping didn't help something like that. In fact, hoping didn't help anything when it came to my wife.

Natalie came tiptoeing down the stairs as quickly and quietly as she could. "Hayden!" she whispered as she reached me. "I was worried sick about you! Where were you?"

I scratched the back of my head, my heart beating fast. "I was at the sheriff's office."

"What? Why?" Natalie asked, her eyes wide. She looked mad already, and I wasn't even sure I could tell her what happened. I didn't want to make her any more furious than she already was.

I stuttered for a minute, not able to gather my words correctly. "I... uh, well, N-Natalie, I..."

"Hayden," she started slowly, and I started to shake slightly, nervous. "What is it? What happened?"

"Natalie, I kind of... I kind of went joyriding."

"What?" she repeated, louder than I think we were both expecting.

"Shh, Nat --"

"You stole someone's car?"

"No, no. Not that kind of joyriding. Like, you know... driving 160 kilometers an hour on one of the back highways. In my own car. But, I figured it was okay, because no one was even on that --"

"Hayden! 160 kilometers per hour? That's insanely fast! You could've gotten yourself hurt!"

"Babe, I'm sorry --"

"No, don't do that."


"The nicknames. You think you're just --"

I stepped closer to her and put on my best sad face, and she stepped away and covered her eyes.

"Hayden, what did I tell you about the puppy eyes?"

I laughed. "Uh... that they work on you. Really well."

"No. Well, yes, that's true, but stop!" She uncovered her eyes and glared at me, crossing her arms. "But seriously, Hayden..."

"Nat, I said I was sorry."

"I know, it's just... this isn't Bullrun or anything, okay? You don't win a ton of money for racing your Lamborghini in open space like back in 2005. I know, you got your chance to do that, but... you don't get another like trying to race your Audi on the highway!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I promise --"

"Hey, no nicknames! Continue..."

I laughed. "Fine. I promise I won't ever do it again."

"Hmm, what was that?" Natalie cupped her hand to her ear, leaning in. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that, I couldn't really hear you right."

I shook my head, smirking. "I promise I'll never exceed the speed limit again just for the fun of it. Unless it's Bullrun. In my Lamborghini." I sighed. "Oh, man, those were some good times. I wish I still had that car."

"I know, babe."

"Hey, nickname!" I recalled. "Bad Natalie."

She laughed, rolling her eyes. "I didn't say it was bad for me to say it. Just you using them to get me to feel bad for you or whatever."

"Wait, but... do the faces and nicknames work?"

"I didn't --"

"Huh? Do they?"

"Yes, they do, okay, Hayden?" Natalie laughed. "Are you happy?"

"Yes," I answered, smiling in her face.

She leaned away and shook her head, laughing. "You're pathetic."

"That's the point."

Natalie laughed again, and I pulled her to me and kissed her, from her hairline down to her shoulder.

"Hayden, stop!" Natalie said once I was halfway down her arm, beaming. She took my chin and brought me up to look into her eyes. She let out a breath, her eyes shining. "I love you."

Without even replying, I kissed her at a steady pace, savoring the taste of her lips. I was so into it I didn't even realize August was at the top of the stairs, calling my name.

I broke away from Natalie quickly but reluctantly, and looked up at August. "What do you need, buddy? What are you doing out of your crib?"

"Tummy hurts," he whined.

"Okay, bud, I'll be up to help you in a second, alright?"

He nodded slowly in response and shuffled away with his thumb in his mouth.

I turned back to Natalie, and she glared at me once again. "Hayden," she scolded.

"I'm sorry, okay? Again, I'm sorry --"

Before I could say anything else, Natalie grabbed my collar and pulled me down again, kissing me.


I broke away from Natalie, looking up at August again.

"I'll be right up, Aug."

"Quickly," he whined, and I nodded, "Alright."

I turned back to Natalie, scolding, "Natalie!"

She smirked, recoiling guiltily. "I'm sawwy."

I smiled and shook my head. "You're pathetic." I turned to walk up the stairs, but looked at her again. "But you're cute, too."

She grinned, and as I walked up the stairs, she passed me and imitated a cat, purring in my ear.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. She laughed, too, and ran into our bedroom.

Okay, maybe we shouldn't have been -- I hate to say it, but -- making out in front of August, but... it's okay. He understood. Hopefully.

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