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Dallas never really appreciated the little things. He didn't appreciate how lovely it felt pulling on fresh clothes after a shower when he had previously been sweaty. He didn't appreciate how one client had cancelled their training session so that meant he was able to go home earlier. To him, it was just an 'Oh, that's okay.' type of thing. Dallas was what some may class as a 'typical' guy. He was rougher around the edges than normal, didn't speak about his feelings much, worked out constantly (Well that was his job to do so, being a personal trainer at the local gym and all.) and he wasn't one to pay too much attention to his appearance; and what a nice one he had considering. He was tall, not freakishly, but he was definitely a solid five inches taller than his husband. He had short black hair at the sides, longer at the top which he constantly pushed back. His eyes were a dark brown, his facial features never really expressing much but were strong, intense. To him, he looked average, plain. To most people, most un-mated people, he was frightfully attractive.

In his little country town of Donstowe, he felt comfortable. He was a warrior wolf in his pack, so that meant he could hit two birds with one stone in keeping up his physique for his job in the human side of things, and for the wolf side. He much rather preferred humans to wolves, though. Humans never asked him if he was selfish for marrying an unmated wolf, humans didn't accuse him of giving up the search. Wolves, on the other hand, did. Dallas was sick of it. He loved Oliver, he loved him with everything in his being. He wasn't going to look for his mate, he already tried and he found nothing. He was happy now and he would be damned if anyone, anyone tried to ruin his relationship and split their family apart. His little girl Lucy was his life. He loved Oliver, but Lucy kept Dallas breathing. Sure they had adopted her from the local pack orphanage house- it was the last one on their 'pack block', a little blue painted house where some elderly widowed wolves cared for abandoned pups, but Dallas was Lucy's father from the moment he laid eyes on her. She was probably waiting for him to return to their house in their pack suburb, but since his client cancelled, Dallas smiled knowing that he could see her earlier.

Grabbing his things and adjusting his basketball shorts and hoodie, he moved to the front desk and swiped his time card on the digital machine before he left. It took a short fifteen minute trip in his car to their slightly isolated suburb of Wolfshade. Subtle, Dallas thought every time he passed the sign. In Wolfshade, there was literally only packs. Slightly larger ones, or perhaps smaller ones, but they all lives in streets, each street name the name of their pack. Everyone shared the land, and everyone got along because these days the elders were less interested in territory, more about expanding the population.

He turned into his designated pack street, 'Dusk Avenue', then turned down another side street where he parked his car in the small driveway of a one-story house. It was a small, red brick house, nothing luxurious but then again, he wasn't an alpha- and when he was married to a kindergarten teacher he couldn't expect any sort of outrageous income. A smile formed on Dallas's lips when he grabbed his gym bag and headed to the door, turning the knob and stepping inside. "Daddy!" A voice squealed and he smiled as he bent down to pick up the little blonde haired beauty, hugging the two-year-old close to his chest, kissing her cheek and moving to dump his bag in the laundry then onwards.

"Well isn't this a surprise?" Oliver smiled from behind the kitchen bench, his eyes drinking in his husband as he walked in with their daughter on his hip. There was something unbelievably sexy seeing Dallas holding their daughter, seeing him in father mode- it did things to Oli's health. "Hey, baby." He mumbled when he leaned in for a kiss, his lip twitching with a smile at the romance in it. It was chaste, beautiful, and it was home. "Since you're home early, I actually need to run to the store but I couldn't before because I was with Lucy, mind looking after her?" He asked the taller male as he moved to wash his hands since he had been mid cooking. "There is food in the oven. It won't be finished for a bit."

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