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(I apologise if this chapter isn't amazing, there might be a few slow ones but that is just necessary for the development of the story. I don't want it to be too slow, however. This is dedicated to another one of my favourite authors, NoPressureJustBoxers . If you haven't read Mr Tattoo... you haven't lived. David and Colton and Kaden are just...too much for words to express. Enjoy!- M)

"Dada...Dada, daddy! Up!" Oliver's lip twitched as he pretended to remain asleep, just because the way his little girl was tapping his and Dallas' face was beyond adorable. He loved mornings. They were his favourite part of the day simply due to the fact that Dallas never went into work early- sure some days he wasn't home until eleven pm because of clients who can only meet after their work, but he never left early and that meant every single morning he could hug and kiss him before breakfast, during, and right when he left with Lucy for daycare. "Daddy!"

"Lucy-Loo, stop it, daddy's tired," Dallas grumbled against Oliver's neck as they were spooned, his husband's strong, muscular arms encircled him tightly. His morning voice was what made Oliver internally squeal with delight. His handsome, strong, silent giant was what kept him going. The first time Oliver had woken up to that voice- well, that wasn't a very productive day. Their attraction to each other was insane, and most times the red-headed male believed it was simply because they were meant to be mates, but their Goddess was just taking the time to realise that. All he wanted was one morning to wake up and for his inner wolf to scream out for his mate, and for that mate to be Dallas. He tried not to think about it, he was married, he was happy, who cared about anything else?

"I'll take her downstairs for breakfast, you get some sleep." Oli mumbled tiredly, yawning as he scratched his face and he sat up, reaching down to grab Dallas's shorts from their discarded clothes after last nigh, pulling them on so Lucy wouldn't see and he picked up his baby girl to head down. Her blonde hair was all over the place as she rested against him, her chubby legs swinging as they moved together. When Oliver had first seen her in the orphanage, he was gone for her, and he still was. She could get anything she wanted from him with no problem what so ever.

When they had gone to the orphanage for the first time, it was just to fill out some forms, but then they walked past the newborn area where all the babies were and they were all asleep, except for one who was kicking her legs, staring at them both with wide eyes before her lips stretched into a gummy smile. "She's the one." Dallas has whispered, and it took a couple of months, but soon, she really was their one, and their only.

"Egg an' toes." Lucy mumbled, her way of saying 'eggs on toast', her favourite breakfast meal and without hesitation Oliver went about to create a meal for his princess. He couldn't describe the happiness he felt, watching his little girl in her high chair while he listened to Dallas coming dwon the stairs, knowing he was going to get a kiss and a huge from his favourite man ever. He bit his lip to hold back a smile as he served up Lucy's breakfast along with an omelette for Dallas and scrambled eggs on toast for himself.

He had washed what he used to cook when he felt an arm slide around him from behind and a kiss on his cheek. A soft giggle left his lips as he turned around and pulled Dallas into a long, long kiss. "Oh shit!" He muttered as he pulled away with an embarassed smile. "I forgot about my morning breath." He hummed and kissed his husband's cheek who rolled his eyes and sat down. "I've had much worse things in my mouth, Oliver." He smirked then grunted when he recieved a small kick to the shin, all of them eating breakfast and listening to Lucy try to tell a story.

"Huh, that's weird." Dallas muttered, frowning at his phone. "Some client has booked me from like, four o clock until eight. They must be crazy if they think working out for that long is healthy." He cleared his plate and put it away before he grabbed his things. He was ready to go to work, although he didn't seem like he was eager to meet this client. "I don't think I remember the last time I worked out." Oliver pointed out and Dallas laughed. "Last night babe, I'll call you when I'm on my way home. Don't wait up if it's late." He told him as he came to kiss the top if his messy red hair.

"I always wait up for you."


By the time Dallas was having his break before his four hour client booking was supposed to begin, he decided to look into who it was. It didn't take much effort, he just logged into a computer at the front desk. "Ashton Chokash...he only joined yesterday, what the hell?" He whispered to himself, a frown on his face. Someone joined yesterday, someone named Ashton, and immediately booked a training session for four hours with Dallas? This person must be pretty huge. He let out a deep breath, he supposed he would have his work cut out for him, but that was okay, he was passionate about health and if someone else wanted to be- how could he not provide what he was paid for?

"Dallas! Get to the back. Personal trainers don't sit at the front desk. I'm not paying you for that!" His boss barked and he offered her a small smile. "Yes Nadia." He chuckled as he pushed himself up off the chair and headed to the back but not before he pulled out his phone, deciding to text his significant other instead of call.

'About to meet this new guy. Wish me luck. I'll be home at nine I hope.' He didn't wait too long after he had sent it before he recieved a reply.

'Good luck Dallas, I love you x.' Dallas smiled and put his phone away as he entered the private training room, one of many in this facility but one he was used to working in just for his own clients. He sprayed on some deoderant and had some water before he heard the door open. He mentally tried not to prejudge, hoping this guy wasn't bigger than usual only he was presently surprised when he turned and saw a guy around his height, but with the same dark features as him, but his eyes were a light brown. "Oh uh, hi I'm your trainer, Dallas." He introduced, holding out his hand for Ashton to shake, but the guy seemed to be staring at him before he broke out of his trance and grinned widely, shaking his hand enthusiastically.

"Hi! I'm Ashton, oh wow I am so excited to meet you!" He exclaimed and Dallas frowned before he picked up on it. This guy was a wolf, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he detached his hand, regarding him with a careful frown. He didn't want to approach the subject though, this was his work, he liked to keep humans and wolves separate, and even though this man was a werewolf like him, it was not something he liked to discuss in public places.

"It's nice to meet you, but you booked me for four hours. My stamina can handle that- but we'll see how you go. Are you ready to work?" Dallas demanded and Ashton just let a dreamy smile spread across his lips. "Sir, yes, sir!" The slightly taller male nodded, standing back. He was going to make this guy work hard, and then later, that was when he would ask him why his obviously foreign back was here, why he had been excited to meet him, and why the hell would he work out for four damn hours?

"It's over? Yes!" Ashton panted as he sat down on the bench and Dallas smirked as he grabbed his towel to wipe down his sweating face. He liked to work out along side his clients. It kept him healthy and it made the client feel more like they were working out than being instructed and watched for mistakes. "You did good." Dallas replied, "But I got to go shower and change. I'll show you the change room." He told him, and he did just that before he departed for a shower, and changed into clothes alongside Ashton, who wasn't hiding his staring. The trainer didn't mind, however, in fact, Dallas barely noticed.

"Well I'll see you next time. Just book online. It'll bill to your membership." He stated, a sort of formal goodbye but then again he didn't really care but when a hand reached out to grab his arm he pulled away and frowned at Ashton, who was giving him an equal frown. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked in confusion.

"Uh, home?" Dallas replied, his eyebrows scrunching together. "Home?" Ashton echoed, "Yeah, Home. With my husband and my daughter?" He replied and he watched the other male's face drop. "You have a husband?" His voice seemed a lot smaller. "B-But why would you do that? Don't you think that is so selfish when your m-mate is looking for you!" He accused. Dallas looked around before he growled and stepped forward. "You would do best to keep your opinions to yourself." He spat, "This isn't the wolf side of town if you haven't noticed."

He stepped back with an annoyed sigh, "And besides, I don't have a mate looking for me, and I'm happy without him." He declared, watching Ashton's expression ignite with anger. "How can you say that! I travelled so far for this! I-" "You what?!" Dallas growled, "What are you getting at? Answer me!" He commanded, his eyes showing how angry he would be if the words he thought were going to leave his mouth, left his mouth.

"I'm your mate, Dallas."

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